Source/Archive record SCC114 - Roman Colchester II: Extramural and Walls
Title | Roman Colchester II: Extramural and Walls |
Author/Originator | Hull, M. Rex |
Date/Year |
Bound volume of notes, drawings and plans relating to discoveries in Colchester up to the late 1950's.
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Unpublished bound volume of typed notes
Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service MRC, Records Room, Store Cupboard
Referenced Monuments (92)
- MCC1873 Anglo-Saxon pottery, Magdalen Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC115 Civil War Fort, Sheepen, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC2743 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2744 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2745 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2746 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2747 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2748 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2749 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2750 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2751 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2752 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2753 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2754 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2755 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2756 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2757 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2739 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2738 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2740 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2741 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2742 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2758 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2759 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC1851 Iron Age Pits, Cambridge Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC1850 Iron Age pottery, Cambridge Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1875 Iron Age pottery, Stanwell Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1899 Iron Age? & Roman pottery, Margaret Road and Catchpool Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1891 Iron Age? bone spear, East Hill, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1836 Late Iron Aage-Roman rubbish pit, 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC1814 Late Iron Age cremation cemetery, near Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1846 Late Iron Age pottery, 90 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1835 Late Iron Age-Claudian Pottery, 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2573 Late Iron Age-Roman ditch, The Lindens, 139 Lexden Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2525 Roman altar fragment, West Lodge, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1894 Roman amphora and glass vessels, cutting near North Station, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1868 Roman burial, Clarke's Garage, Maldon Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2427 Roman burials, Essex County Hospital, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1823 Roman cremation burial, 22 St Clare Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1884 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1885 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1886 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1879 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Mersea Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1497 Roman cremation burial, Creffield Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1501 Roman cremation burial, Creffield Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1866 Roman cremation burial, Essex Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1460 Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1461 Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1462 Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, olchester (Element)
- MCC2308 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2309 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2310 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2311 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2312 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2313 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2314 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2315 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2316 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2317 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2760 Roman cremation burials, Garrison Sports Field, Abbey Field, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2761 Roman cremation burials, Garrison Sports Field, Abbey Field, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2150 Roman cremation cemetery, Garrison Sports Field, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1898 Roman cremation cemetery, north of Cowdray Avenue, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1898 Roman cremation cemetery, north of Cowdray Avenue, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1844 Roman cremation urn, Beverley Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1861 Roman cremation, 24 High Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC659 Roman defensive ditch of the Roman Colonia, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1872 Roman finds, Abbeygate Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1760 Roman Head Gate, Head Street, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1826 Roman hoard of 49 bronze quinarii, garden of West Lodge, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1832 Roman inhumation burial, Beverley Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1888 Roman inhumation burial, Essex Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1842 Roman inhumation burial, near Lexden drinking fountain, Lexden Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2082 Roman pottery & other finds, 13 Rawstorn Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1847 Roman pottery, 74 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1848 Roman pottery, 9 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1824 Roman pottery, 9 St Clare Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1857 Roman pottery, 94 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1854 Roman pottery, outside 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1892 Roman pottery, Scheregate Steps, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1853 Roman pottery, 'The Lindens', Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1843 Roman pottery, 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1893 Roman road from Colchester-Norwich (Monument)
- MCC2357 Roman road, running north from Duncan's Gate, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1856 Roman rubbish pit, 94 Lexden Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC1379 Roman stone coffin, Burlington Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2012 Roman timber-lined well, Everetts Brickyard, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1367 Roman tombstone, Manor Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2081 Roman wall, 13 Rawstorn Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1834 Roman wall, Hospital Gardens, North end of Hospital Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1890 Roman well?, East Hill, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1109 Undated wall, Middleborough, Colchester (Element)
Referenced Events (67)
- ECC1581 Beaker found at 139 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1905 (Ref: ECC1581)
- ECC1618 Burial and wooden chest, Clark's Garage, Maldon Road, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1618)
- ECC1633 Burial south of Railway Cutting near North Station, Colchester, 1846 (Ref: ECC1633)
- ECC1546 Burial, 22 St Clare Road, Colchester, 1927 (Ref: ECC1546)
- ECC1617 Burial, Essex Street, Colchester, 1845 (Ref: ECC1617)
- ECC1406 Burials at Creffield Road, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC1406)
- ECC1641 Burials from Brickyard, off Cowdray Avenue, Colchester, 1927 (Ref: ECC1641)
- ECC1639 Burials from Brickyard, off Cowdray Avenue, Colchester, 1928-30 (Ref: ECC1639)
- ECC1418 Burials on Garrison Sports Field, Colchester, 1925 (Ref: ECC1418)
- ECC1552 Coin hoard, West Lodge, Colchester, 1926 (Ref: ECC1552)
- ECC1364 Cremations, Osborne House, Colchester, 1844 (Ref: ECC1364)
- ECC1590 Ditch , Glen Avenue, Colchester, 1940 (Ref: ECC1590)
- ECC1549 Ditch recorded at Wellesley Road, Colchester, 1949 (Ref: ECC1549)
- ECC1631 Ditch, below Scheregate Steps, Colchester, 1926 (Ref: ECC1631)
- ECC1562 Ditches outside 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester, 1946 (Ref: ECC1562)
- ECC1861 Excavation at Essex County Hospital, Lexden Road, Colchester, 1953 (Ref: ECC1861)
- ECC839 Excavation at 'Peartree Junction', Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC839)
- ECC831 Excavation in field 1302 by A.F. Hall, Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC831)
- ECC934 Excavation of a well at Everetts Brickworks, Land Lane, Colchester, 1955 (Ref: ECC934)
- ECC1784 Excavation of oval hollow, Grammar School fields, Colchester, 1960 (Ref: ECC1784)
- ECC1543 Excavations at 13 Rawstorn Road, Colchester, 1929 (Ref: ECC1543)
- ECC1643 Finds from Roman pit, Everett's Brickyard, Colchester, 1958 (Ref: ECC1643)
- ECC1621 Finds from sewer trench, Abbeygate Street, Colchester, 1904 (Ref: ECC1621)
- ECC1638 Finds from the Brickyard north of Railway, Colchester, 1889 (Ref: ECC1638)
- ECC1218 Finds from Turner Clothing Factory, Stanwell Street, Colchester, 1937 (Ref: ECC1218)
- ECC1564 Finds opposite drinking fountain, Lexden Park, Colchester, 1904 (Ref: ECC1564)
- ECC1624 Foundations and skeletons, Pinnacle Gardens, Colchester, 1843 (Ref: ECC1624)
- ECC1623 Foundations in Abbey Gardens, Colchester, 1889 (Ref: ECC1623)
- ECC641 Headgate and town ditch in drain trench, Colchester, 1913 (Ref: ECC641)
- ECC1579 Iron Age pits, Cambridge Road, Colchester, 1925 (Ref: ECC1579)
- ECC1570 Iron Age pottery from 90 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1935 (Ref: ECC1570)
- ECC1645 Iron Age pottery from Margaret/Catchpool Road, Colchester, 1956 (Ref: ECC1645)
- ECC1235 Medieval and Roman burials, 42 Crouch Street, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC1235)
- ECC429 Oak piles and masonry near Middleborough, Colchester, 1957 (Ref: ECC429)
- ECC1865 Observation of burials at Essex County Hospital, Lexden Road, Colchester, 1953 (Ref: ECC1865)
- ECC2434 Part of a Roman Altar found at West Lodge, Colchester, 1870 (Ref: ECC2434)
- ECC1567 Pits outside 'The Lindens', Lexden road, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1567)
- ECC694 Possible ford at River Colne, Colchester, 1923 (Ref: ECC694)
- ECC1632 Possible Roman Road, Ipswich Road, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1632)
- ECC1576 Pottery from "Cedarholme" 9 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC1576)
- ECC1575 Pottery from 74 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1943 (Ref: ECC1575)
- ECC1625 Pottery from Colchester Manufacturing Company, Stanwell Street, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1625)
- ECC1586 Pottery from outside 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC1586)
- ECC1604 Remains in Sewer Trench at Sheepen, Colchester, 1955 (Ref: ECC1604)
- ECC1602 Roman burial at 24 High Street, Colchester (Ref: ECC1602)
- ECC1627 Roman burial, Colchester Cemetery, 1947 (Ref: ECC1627)
- ECC1482 Roman burials, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester, 1946 (Ref: ECC1482)
- ECC1561 Roman foundations at Hospital Road, Colchester, 1948 (Ref: ECC1561)
- ECC1593 Roman pit, 94 Lexden Road, Colchester (Ref: ECC1593)
- ECC1548 Roman pottery from 9 St Clare Road, Colchester, 1927 (Ref: ECC1548)
- ECC682 Roman remains found in water main trench, along Creffield Road and Queens Road, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC682)
- ECC1630 Roman well in drain, East Hill, Colchester, 1902 (Ref: ECC1630)
- ECC1622 Saxon pottery, Magdalen Street, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC1622)
- ECC855 Section I, Tower 1, Town Walls, Colchester, 1938 (Ref: ECC855)
- ECC1588 Shallow pits in Oxford Road, Colchester, 1931 (Ref: ECC1588)
- ECC1558 Skeleton found behind 8 Beverley Road, Colchester, 1922 (Ref: ECC1558)
- ECC1304 Stone Coffin found at Burlington Road, Colchester, 1897 (Ref: ECC1304)
- ECC1628 Stream bed and burial in Essex Street, Colchester (Ref: ECC1628)
- ECC1285 Tombstone, found in Manor Road, Colchester, 1867 (Ref: ECC1285)
- ECC955 Trial Pits at 17 Beverley Road, Colchester, 1930s (Ref: ECC955)
- ECC1569 Urn from Beverley Road, Colchester, 1844 (Ref: ECC1569)
- ECC1554 Urns found at Lexden Hill, Colchester, 1826 (Ref: ECC1554)
- ECC1553 Urns from Vint Crescent, Colchester, 1848 (Ref: ECC1553)
- ECC1363 Urns, St John's Terrace, Colchester, 1843 (Ref: ECC1363)
- ECC1862 Watching brief at Essex County Hospital, Lexden Road, Colchester, 1953 (Ref: ECC1862)
- ECC1603 Waterlogged deposits at Cattle Market, Middleborough, Colchester, 1956? (Ref: ECC1603)
- ECC1603 Waterlogged deposits at Cattle Market, Middleborough, Colchester, 1956? (Ref: ECC1603)
Record last edited
Jan 30 2017 1:06PM