Source/Archive record SCC114 - Roman Colchester II: Extramural and Walls
Title | Roman Colchester II: Extramural and Walls |
Author/Originator | Hull, M. Rex |
Date/Year |
Bound volume of notes, drawings and plans relating to discoveries in Colchester up to the late 1950's.
Images (0)
Documents (0)
Unpublished bound volume of typed notes
Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service MRC, Records Room, Store Cupboard
Referenced Monuments (92)
- MCC1873 Anglo-Saxon pottery, Magdalen Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC115 Civil War Fort, Sheepen, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC2743 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2744 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2745 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2746 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2747 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2748 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2749 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2750 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2751 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2752 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2753 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2754 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2755 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2756 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2757 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element Group)
- MCC2739 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2738 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2740 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2741 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2742 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2758 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC2759 Cremation recorded in 1925 (Element)
- MCC1851 Iron Age Pits, Cambridge Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC1850 Iron Age pottery, Cambridge Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1875 Iron Age pottery, Stanwell Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1899 Iron Age? & Roman pottery, Margaret Road and Catchpool Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1891 Iron Age? bone spear, East Hill, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1836 Late Iron Aage-Roman rubbish pit, 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC1814 Late Iron Age cremation cemetery, near Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1846 Late Iron Age pottery, 90 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1835 Late Iron Age-Claudian Pottery, 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2573 Late Iron Age-Roman ditch, The Lindens, 139 Lexden Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2525 Roman altar fragment, West Lodge, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1894 Roman amphora and glass vessels, cutting near North Station, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1868 Roman burial, Clarke's Garage, Maldon Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2427 Roman burials, Essex County Hospital, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1823 Roman cremation burial, 22 St Clare Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1884 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1885 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1886 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1879 Roman cremation burial, Colchester Cemetery, Mersea Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1497 Roman cremation burial, Creffield Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1501 Roman cremation burial, Creffield Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1866 Roman cremation burial, Essex Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1460 Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1461 Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1462 Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, olchester (Element)
- MCC2308 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2309 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2310 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2311 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2312 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2313 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2314 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2315 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2316 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2317 Roman cremation burial, Vint Crescent, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2760 Roman cremation burials, Garrison Sports Field, Abbey Field, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2761 Roman cremation burials, Garrison Sports Field, Abbey Field, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2150 Roman cremation cemetery, Garrison Sports Field, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1898 Roman cremation cemetery, north of Cowdray Avenue, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1898 Roman cremation cemetery, north of Cowdray Avenue, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1844 Roman cremation urn, Beverley Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1861 Roman cremation, 24 High Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC659 Roman defensive ditch of the Roman Colonia, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1872 Roman finds, Abbeygate Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1760 Roman Head Gate, Head Street, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1826 Roman hoard of 49 bronze quinarii, garden of West Lodge, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1832 Roman inhumation burial, Beverley Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1888 Roman inhumation burial, Essex Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1842 Roman inhumation burial, near Lexden drinking fountain, Lexden Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2082 Roman pottery & other finds, 13 Rawstorn Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1847 Roman pottery, 74 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1848 Roman pottery, 9 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1824 Roman pottery, 9 St Clare Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1857 Roman pottery, 94 Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1854 Roman pottery, outside 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1892 Roman pottery, Scheregate Steps, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1853 Roman pottery, 'The Lindens', Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1843 Roman pottery, 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1893 Roman road from Colchester-Norwich (Monument)
- MCC2357 Roman road, running north from Duncan's Gate, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1856 Roman rubbish pit, 94 Lexden Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC1379 Roman stone coffin, Burlington Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2012 Roman timber-lined well, Everetts Brickyard, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1367 Roman tombstone, Manor Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2081 Roman wall, 13 Rawstorn Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1834 Roman wall, Hospital Gardens, North end of Hospital Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1890 Roman well?, East Hill, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1109 Undated wall, Middleborough, Colchester (Element)
Referenced Events (67)
- ECC1581 Beaker found at 139 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1905 (Ref: ECC1581)
- ECC1618 Burial and wooden chest, Clark's Garage, Maldon Road, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1618)
- ECC1633 Burial south of Railway Cutting near North Station, Colchester, 1846 (Ref: ECC1633)
- ECC1546 Burial, 22 St Clare Road, Colchester, 1927 (Ref: ECC1546)
- ECC1617 Burial, Essex Street, Colchester, 1845 (Ref: ECC1617)
- ECC1406 Burials at Creffield Road, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC1406)
- ECC1641 Burials from Brickyard, off Cowdray Avenue, Colchester, 1927 (Ref: ECC1641)
- ECC1639 Burials from Brickyard, off Cowdray Avenue, Colchester, 1928-30 (Ref: ECC1639)
- ECC1418 Burials on Garrison Sports Field, Colchester, 1925 (Ref: ECC1418)
- ECC1552 Coin hoard, West Lodge, Colchester, 1926 (Ref: ECC1552)
- ECC1364 Cremations, Osborne House, Colchester, 1844 (Ref: ECC1364)
- ECC1590 Ditch , Glen Avenue, Colchester, 1940 (Ref: ECC1590)
- ECC1549 Ditch recorded at Wellesley Road, Colchester, 1949 (Ref: ECC1549)
- ECC1631 Ditch, below Scheregate Steps, Colchester, 1926 (Ref: ECC1631)
- ECC1562 Ditches outside 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester, 1946 (Ref: ECC1562)
- ECC1861 Excavation at Essex County Hospital, Lexden Road, Colchester, 1953 (Ref: ECC1861)
- ECC839 Excavation at 'Peartree Junction', Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC839)
- ECC831 Excavation in field 1302 by A.F. Hall, Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC831)
- ECC934 Excavation of a well at Everetts Brickworks, Land Lane, Colchester, 1955 (Ref: ECC934)
- ECC1784 Excavation of oval hollow, Grammar School fields, Colchester, 1960 (Ref: ECC1784)
- ECC1543 Excavations at 13 Rawstorn Road, Colchester, 1929 (Ref: ECC1543)
- ECC1643 Finds from Roman pit, Everett's Brickyard, Colchester, 1958 (Ref: ECC1643)
- ECC1621 Finds from sewer trench, Abbeygate Street, Colchester, 1904 (Ref: ECC1621)
- ECC1638 Finds from the Brickyard north of Railway, Colchester, 1889 (Ref: ECC1638)
- ECC1218 Finds from Turner Clothing Factory, Stanwell Street, Colchester, 1937 (Ref: ECC1218)
- ECC1564 Finds opposite drinking fountain, Lexden Park, Colchester, 1904 (Ref: ECC1564)
- ECC1624 Foundations and skeletons, Pinnacle Gardens, Colchester, 1843 (Ref: ECC1624)
- ECC1623 Foundations in Abbey Gardens, Colchester, 1889 (Ref: ECC1623)
- ECC641 Headgate and town ditch in drain trench, Colchester, 1913 (Ref: ECC641)
- ECC1579 Iron Age pits, Cambridge Road, Colchester, 1925 (Ref: ECC1579)
- ECC1570 Iron Age pottery from 90 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1935 (Ref: ECC1570)
- ECC1645 Iron Age pottery from Margaret/Catchpool Road, Colchester, 1956 (Ref: ECC1645)
- ECC1235 Medieval and Roman burials, 42 Crouch Street, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC1235)
- ECC429 Oak piles and masonry near Middleborough, Colchester, 1957 (Ref: ECC429)
- ECC1865 Observation of burials at Essex County Hospital, Lexden Road, Colchester, 1953 (Ref: ECC1865)
- ECC2434 Part of a Roman Altar found at West Lodge, Colchester, 1870 (Ref: ECC2434)
- ECC1567 Pits outside 'The Lindens', Lexden road, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1567)
- ECC694 Possible ford at River Colne, Colchester, 1923 (Ref: ECC694)
- ECC1632 Possible Roman Road, Ipswich Road, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1632)
- ECC1576 Pottery from "Cedarholme" 9 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC1576)
- ECC1575 Pottery from 74 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1943 (Ref: ECC1575)
- ECC1625 Pottery from Colchester Manufacturing Company, Stanwell Street, Colchester, 1930 (Ref: ECC1625)
- ECC1586 Pottery from outside 'The Lindens', Lexden Road, Colchester, 1936 (Ref: ECC1586)
- ECC1604 Remains in Sewer Trench at Sheepen, Colchester, 1955 (Ref: ECC1604)
- ECC1602 Roman burial at 24 High Street, Colchester (Ref: ECC1602)
- ECC1627 Roman burial, Colchester Cemetery, 1947 (Ref: ECC1627)
- ECC1482 Roman burials, Colchester Cemetery, Colchester, 1946 (Ref: ECC1482)
- ECC1561 Roman foundations at Hospital Road, Colchester, 1948 (Ref: ECC1561)
- ECC1593 Roman pit, 94 Lexden Road, Colchester (Ref: ECC1593)
- ECC1548 Roman pottery from 9 St Clare Road, Colchester, 1927 (Ref: ECC1548)
- ECC682 Roman remains found in water main trench, along Creffield Road and Queens Road, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC682)
- ECC1630 Roman well in drain, East Hill, Colchester, 1902 (Ref: ECC1630)
- ECC1622 Saxon pottery, Magdalen Street, Colchester, 1928 (Ref: ECC1622)
- ECC855 Section I, Tower 1, Town Walls, Colchester, 1938 (Ref: ECC855)
- ECC1588 Shallow pits in Oxford Road, Colchester, 1931 (Ref: ECC1588)
- ECC1558 Skeleton found behind 8 Beverley Road, Colchester, 1922 (Ref: ECC1558)
- ECC1304 Stone Coffin found at Burlington Road, Colchester, 1897 (Ref: ECC1304)
- ECC1628 Stream bed and burial in Essex Street, Colchester (Ref: ECC1628)
- ECC1285 Tombstone, found in Manor Road, Colchester, 1867 (Ref: ECC1285)
- ECC955 Trial Pits at 17 Beverley Road, Colchester, 1930s (Ref: ECC955)
- ECC1569 Urn from Beverley Road, Colchester, 1844 (Ref: ECC1569)
- ECC1554 Urns found at Lexden Hill, Colchester, 1826 (Ref: ECC1554)
- ECC1553 Urns from Vint Crescent, Colchester, 1848 (Ref: ECC1553)
- ECC1363 Urns, St John's Terrace, Colchester, 1843 (Ref: ECC1363)
- ECC1862 Watching brief at Essex County Hospital, Lexden Road, Colchester, 1953 (Ref: ECC1862)
- ECC1603 Waterlogged deposits at Cattle Market, Middleborough, Colchester, 1956? (Ref: ECC1603)
- ECC1603 Waterlogged deposits at Cattle Market, Middleborough, Colchester, 1956? (Ref: ECC1603)
Record last edited
Jan 30 2017 1:06PM