Site Event/Activity record ECC1364 - Cremations, Osborne House, Colchester, 1844


Location Osborne House, Walsingham Road, Colchester
Grid reference TL 99623 24740 (point)
Map sheet TL92SE








Three Cremations found at Osborne House (now Electricity Offices).<1><2> Hull's Grave Groups 448, 449 & 450. Finds were found in Mr W. Osborne’s garden near St John's Green, north side of Mr Cook's sand pit, March 1844.<3><4> This may also be the same as the entry in Wire's Album which accompanies an annotated map, dated 1844. An area north of the quarry pit is marked with the note "Here was discovered four urns three earthen and one of glass, one of the former and the latter contained burnt bones beside which upon close examination about forty beads of glass vitrified earth and pearl were found mixed with the bones in the glass urn which was four square most likely this was a family burial".<5>

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <1> Monograph: Hull, M. Rex. 1958. Roman Colchester: Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London. No. XX. p.294, No 128.
  • <2> Index: Essex County Council. 1972. Colchester SMR (computer). SMR 13224.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Hull, M. Rex. Roman Colchester II: Extramural and Walls. II. No 448, 449, 450.
  • <4> Monograph: Morant, Philip. 1748. History of Colchester (Wire's copy). p.28 at end.
  • <5> Unpublished document: Wire, William. Wire's Album. Map, No 7, see loose notes.

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman cremation burial, Osborne House, Walsingham Road, olchester (Element)

Record last edited

Jan 30 2017 1:05PM

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