Source/Archive record SCC17 - Colchester Museum Accession Register 1992 -
Title | Colchester Museum Accession Register 1992 - |
Author/Originator | Colchester Museums |
Date/Year | 1992- |
Colchester Museums Accession Register 1992-
Images (0)
Documents (0)
Unpublished, bound volume
Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service Museum Resource Centre, Fire safe
Referenced Monuments (45)
- MCC2020 ?Medieval cess pit, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2659 13th century coin and lead canister, 22-24 High Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC1921 1st century AD Roman pottery, 13 Oxford Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2645 A north-south ditch (Element)
- MCC2657 Anglo-Saxon and Medieval finds, 22-24 High Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2015 Bronze Age/Iron Age worked flint and Middle Iron Age pottery, Trench 10, St Mary's Hospital, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2646 Element Group, 139 Lexden Road Watching Brief (Element Group)
- MCC2445 Element Group, St Peter's House, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2647 Finds from Watching Brief at 139 Lexden Rd (Find Spot)
- MCC2648 Finds from Watching Brief at Colchester Institute Car Park 1999 (Find Spot)
- MCC2006 Iron Age/Roman finds, Trench 33 Northern Approach Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2007 Iron Age/Roman finds, Trench 36 Northern Approach Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2008 Iron Age/Roman finds, Trench 41 Northern Approach Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2575 Late Iron Age / Roman ditch, Northern Approach Road Stage 1 (Turner Road to Boxted Road), Colchester (Element)
- MCC2576 Late Iron Age / Roman ditch, Northern Approach Road Stage 1 (Turner Road to Boxted Road), Colchester (Element)
- MCC2577 Late Iron Age / Roman ditch, Northern Approach Road Stage 1 (Turner Road to Boxted Road), Colchester (Element)
- MCC2578 Late Iron Age / Roman ditch, Northern Approach Road Stage 1 (Turner Road to Boxted Road), Colchester (Element)
- MCC2649 Late Iron Age-Early Roman ditch, Colchester Institute Car Park (Element)
- MCC2002 Late Iron Age-early Roman pit, Trench 36 Northern Approach Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2045 Medieval and post medieval features, Long Wyre Street Co-op, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2048 Post-medieval well, 117 Hythe Hill, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2044 Pre Boudican Roman wall, Long Wyre Street Co-op, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2014 Prehistoric worked flint, St Mary's Hospital, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2018 Roman barrack block, Roman Legionary Fortress, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC481 Roman Christian Cemetery, Butt Road, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC1557 Roman cremation burial , Beverly Road, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2574 Roman ditch, Northern Approach Road Stage 1 (Turner Road to Boxted Road), Colchester (Element)
- MCC2444 Roman earthwork, St Peter's House, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2005 Roman finds, Trench 15 Northern Approach Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2568 Roman hearth, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2016 Roman inhumation burial, Trench 11, St Mary's Hospital, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2040 Roman masonry footing, Trench 1, Long Wyre Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2043 Roman mosaic pavement, Long Wyre Street Co-op, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2028 Roman mosaic, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2038 Roman pits, Maternity Home, Lexden Road, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2446 Roman pottery and carved stone, St Peter's House, Colchester (Find Spot)
- MCC2017 Roman rubbish pits, St Mary's Hospital, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC1139 Roman street between Insula 37 & 38, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC2032 Roman tessellated pavement, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2033 Roman tessellated pavement, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2011 Roman wall (or drain?) Eld Lane, Colchester (Element)
- MCC1550 Roman wall, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2022 Roman wall, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2030 Roman wall, Mercury Theatre, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2013 Roman wall, St Mary's Hospital, Colchester (Element)
Referenced Events (25)
- ECC64 Colchester Eastern Approaches Road (stage 1), Colchester, 1994 (Ref: ECC64)
- ECC2476 Evaluation at 26 West Lodge Road, Colchester, 2000 (Ref: ECC2476)
- ECC2219 Evaluation at 47 Butt Road, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC2219)
- ECC2220 Evaluation at Co-Op, Long Wyre Street, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC2220)
- ECC2336 Evaluation at No.157A-167 North Station Rd, Colchester, 1998 (Ref: ECC2336)
- ECC2339 Evaluation at St Peter's House, St Peter's Street, Colchester, 1998 (Ref: ECC2339)
- ECC2471 Excavation at 22-24 High Street, Colchester, 2000 (Ref: ECC2471)
- ECC2335 Excavation at the Co-op stores, 21-31 Long Wyre Street, Colchester, 1998 (Ref: ECC2335)
- ECC2095 Excavation at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC2095)
- ECC1012 Excavations at 147-9 High Street, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC1012)
- ECC42 Excavations at 79 Hythe Hill, Colchester, 1994 (Ref: ECC42)
- ECC328 Excavations at Sheepen, Colchester, 1930 to 1939 (Ref: ECC328)
- ECC1768 Pottery vessel from 13 Oxford Road, Colchester, 1965 (Ref: ECC1768)
- ECC2221 Trial-Trenched Evaluation at 117-125 Hythe Hill, Colchester, 1998 (Ref: ECC2221)
- ECC46 Trial-trenched evaluation at Eld Lane, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC46)
- ECC63 Trial-trenched evaluation at former Maternity Home, Lexden Road, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC63)
- ECC61 Trial-trenched evaluation at St Mary's Hospital, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC61)
- ECC65 Trial-trenched Evaluation at Westway/Sheepen Place, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC65)
- ECC53 Watching brief at 82 & 83 Hythe Hill, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC53)
- ECC2467 Watching brief at Colchester Institute, Colchester, 1999 (Ref: ECC2467)
- ECC2474 Watching brief at Colchester Institute, Colchester, 2001 (Ref: ECC2474)
- ECC2466 Watching brief at the Lindens, 139 Lexden Road, Colchester, 1999 (Ref: ECC2466)
- ECC1900 Watching brief at Turner Rise Area C2, Colchester, 1998 (Ref: ECC1900)
- ECC1880 Watching Brief for Beverley Road Gas Pipe, Colchester, 1997 (Ref: ECC1880)
- ECC2617 Watching brief on the erection of a gate and railings in St Botolph's Priory grounds, Colchester, 2000 (Ref: ECC2617)
Record last edited
Jan 26 2017 3:35PM