Monument record MCC7464 - Gryme's Dyke, Colchester


Gryme's Dyke provides the outermost (western) dyke of the dykes system on the west side of Colchester, c.400m to the west of Shrub End Dyke (MCC7467)/the Triple Dyke (MCC7041). It comprises a ditch and bank (bank on eastern/inner side) aligned N to S and defined for c.5.5km from the River Colne southwards to the Roman River. The south part of the Dyke, c.2.1km long, kinks out and westwards (290m) at Stanway Green (Gryme's Dyke South). Gryme's Dyke has a terminus post quem of c.AD 47 and it is, therefore, clearly post-quest in date.


Grid reference Centred TL 9595 2407 (733m by 5146m) (4 map features)
Map sheet TL92SE


5 km
5 km

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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

In 1977, a section was provided across the rampart of Gryme's Dyke (TL 96272370), south of Dugard Avenue (ECC3257). This work provided secure dating evidence below the rampart. A worn copy of an as (coin) of Claudius with a a terminus post quem of c.AD 47 was recovered from L5 (redeposited cover loam from the base of the rampart), as well as a small sherd of terra sigillata with a terminus post quem of c.AD 50. It is, therefore, clearly post-conquest in date. Hawkes & Crummy suggest the possibility that it was constructed in response to the Boudican Revolt in AD 61.<1>

Gryme's Dyke North was cut by a water-main(?) in c.1930, TL 9569 2625.<2>

The ditch was observed by P. Laver in 1923, in the side of a pit on Chitt's Hill, TL 95882 560337.<3>

Various investigations have been undertaken between 1946 and 58 in the area of the entrance (TL 9623 2406) and convergence of ditches, including the 'Laver ditch' (MCC10054) and the 'Palisaded earthwork' (MCC7085).<4>

Sources/Archives (7)

  • --- DESC TEXT: Colchester Museum. 1997. The Colchester Iron Age Dyke System - An Integrated Management Plan.
  • --- DESC TEXT: Colchester Museum. 1997. The Colchester Iron Age Dyke System - A Programme of Works.
  • --- DESC TEXT: Colchester Museum. 1997. The Colchester Iron Age Dyke System - Task Plans.
  • <1> Serial: Hawkes, Christopher, F. C. & Crummy, Philip. 1995. CAR 11: Camulodunum II. 11. pp.109-115, no. 20.
  • <2> Serial: Hawkes, Christopher, F. C. & Crummy, Philip. 1995. CAR 11: Camulodunum II. 11. p.106, no. 3.
  • <3> Serial: Hawkes, Christopher, F. C. & Crummy, Philip. 1995. CAR 11: Camulodunum II. 11. p.106, no. 5.
  • <4> Serial: Hawkes, Christopher, F. C. & Crummy, Philip. 1995. CAR 11: Camulodunum II. 11. pp.27-28, pp.59-61, p.106, no. 6.

Finds (0)

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Related Events/Activities (4)

Record last edited

Mar 24 2020 8:34AM

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