Source/Archive record SCC822 - Assessment report on the archaeological investigations carried out on Areas C1, C2, E, J1, O, Q and S1 of the Alienated Land, Colchester Garrison, including the Time Team trenches and the Alienated Land watching brief

Title Assessment report on the archaeological investigations carried out on Areas C1, C2, E, J1, O, Q and S1 of the Alienated Land, Colchester Garrison, including the Time Team trenches and the Alienated Land watching brief
Date/Year 2006
Colchester Archaeological Trust 361


Assessment report on archaeological investigations.


CAT Report 361, January 2006 CAT project code 04/10d Colchester Museums accession code: 2004.296


Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd CBC

Referenced Monuments (18)

  • Late Neolithic pit, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Medieval robber trench of Roman Circus wall, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Medieval robber trench of Roman Circus wall, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Possible Bronze Age ditch, Area C1X, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Pre/early Roman ditch, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Pre/early Roman ditch, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Pre/early Roman ditch, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman cemetery, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman cemetery, Colchester Garrison (Area J1 North), Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman Circus, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman cremation burial, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman inhumation burial, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman inhumation burial, Area C2X, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman road, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman urned cremation, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman urned cremation, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)
  • Six mid to late Neolithic pits, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element Group)
  • Three mid to late Neolithic pits, Area C1X, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element Group)

Referenced Events (13)

  • Archaeological evaluation in Area S1, Colchester Garrison, Colchester (Ref: ECC2985)
  • Archaeological evaluation of the Roman Circus at Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2005 (Ref: ECC2986)
  • Archaeological excavation in Area Q, Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004 (Ref: ECC2984)
  • Archaeological excavation of Area C1, the 'Alienated Land', Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004 (Ref: ECC2979)
  • Archaeological excavation of Area C2, the 'Alienated Land', Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004 (Ref: ECC2980)
  • Archaeological excavation of Area J1, the 'Alienated Land', Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004-5 (Ref: ECC2981)
  • Archaeological watching brief at Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004-6 (Ref: ECC3736)
  • Archaeological watching brief in Area C2, the 'Alienated Land', Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2007 (Ref: ECC3737)
  • Assessment of archaeological investigations carried out on Areas C1, C2, E, J1, O, Q and S1 of the Alienated Land, Colchester Garrison, 2004-5 (Ref: ECC2679)
  • Stage 1b trial trenched evaluation of Area J1, Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004 (Ref: ECC2982)
  • Stage 1b trial-trenched evaluation of Area Q, Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004 (Ref: ECC2983)
  • Stage 1b trial-trenched evaluation, Alienated Land Area H, Colchester Garrison, Colchester 2007 (Ref: ECC2718)
  • Trial-trenched evaluation at Area O of Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2004 (Ref: ECC2539)

Record last edited

Jan 4 2017 3:01PM

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