Site Event/Activity record ECC2718 - Stage 1b trial-trenched evaluation, Alienated Land Area H, Colchester Garrison, Colchester 2007
Location | Alienated Land redevelopment Area H, Colchester Garrison, Colchester |
Grid reference | Centred TL 99298 24608 (135m by 135m) |
Map sheet | TL92SE |
County | ESSEX |
Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd
January - February 2007
Seven trial-trenches (T4-10) were excavated by Colchester Archaeological Trust in January - February 2007, forming the stage 1b (post-outline planning consent) evaluation of Area H. This work revealed two Roman cremation burials (in T6 & 7) and 12 inhumation burials (in T7 & 8). A number of E-W and N-S aligned Roman ditches may define the boundaries of discrete burial plots. The burials were not excavated fully in the evaluation; it was anticipated that excavation would be completed during a later stage of work (excavation undertaken in 2012-13; ECC4101).<1><5>
Area H consisted of the existing car-park (accessed via Butt Road), an area of unused hard standing to the immediate south-east, and the MoD Sergeants' Mess and Education Centre and their gardens to the south-east; the evaluation related only to the area of the current car-park and adjacent unused hard standing where intrusive works in the form of new car-parking may take place.
A single feature was identified in T4, a quarry-pit (F39) which occupied the entire trench. F39 contained brick and coal fragments (not recovered), and was dated to the post-medieval period.
T5 contained four features. The only one of archaeological significance was a NE to SW aligned Roman ditch (F38) with finds of Roman brick and septaria (finds no 26). F38 had concentrations of charcoal on its eastern edge. Finds from this context included a mid 2nd- to mid 3rd-century Roman sherd (finds no 26) and a mid 3rd century radiate antoninianus of ?Gallienus (AD 253-68) or Claudius II (AD 268-70 (SF 2, finds no 25). The other features in T5 were an east-west modern ditch (F35), a natural linear feature (F37), and a pit (F36).
T6 contained four features: two natural features (F20 and F22), a Roman unurned cremation burial (F21), and modern building footings (F19). Pit F22 contained a single unurned cremation burial (F21). Cremated bone and pot sherds were observed in the upper fill. The feature was unexcavated and left in
situ to be dealt with in a later excavation phase.
T7 contained eight archaeological features, five of which were burials; one cremation (F23) and four inhumations (F24-F27). None of the burials were fully excavated during the evaluation. The cremation burial contained a single cremation pot. The inhumation burials were initially identified by the shape of their cuts and confirmed by the presence of coffin nails. At the level to which they were explored in this evaluation, only one inhumation burial (F25) had visible human bones, ie a skull and fragments of long bones (?femur). The cremation burial (F23) produced Roman sherds dated 1st-2nd/3rd century
and 1st-early 2nd century, and cremated human bone (finds no 13). Inhumation burial F24 produced medieval sherds which are regarded as intrusive. Other finds in F24 were 1st- to 2nd-/3rd-century sherds, and cremated human bone (finds no 15). Inhumation burial F25 produced 1st- to 2nd-/early 3rd-century and 1st- to early 2nd century sherds, and cremated human bone (finds no 16). Inhumation burial F26 contained a number of groups of Roman sherds which represent complete or partial vessels (all finds no 17). These were from three scorched or burnt pots, two of which date to the 2nd century and a third to the Roman period. This feature also contained cremated human bone (finds no 17). Inhumation burial F27 produced Roman sherds (finds no 14). The remaining three features in T7 were quarry-pits (F28-F29, F40).
T8 contained ten features, nine of which were inhumation burials (F9, F11-F18). An E-W aligned ditch (F8), which may be have formed the southern boundary to an area of Roman burials (as no burials were defined to the south), as it contained a late 2nd- to mid 3rd-century Roman sherd (finds no 1). Again, none of the burials were fully excavated during the evaluation. The burials were identified by the shape of their cuts and also by the presence of coffin nails. Two of the inhumation burials were accompanied by grave goods: F15 contained an intact 2nd- to 3rd-century folded beaker (this was left in situ); and F13 contained hobnails representing the soles of a pair of shoes. Inhumation burial F9 contained a residual ?Late Bronze Age sherd (finds no 9) and a Roman 1st- to 2nd-/3rd-century sherd (finds no 5). Inhumation burial F11 contained Roman brick and Roman sherds (finds no 2). Inhumation burial F12 contained a residual ?Late Bronze Age sherd, and 1st- to 2nd-/3rd-century Roman sherds (finds no 7). Inhumation burial F14 contained a fragment of a copper-alloy ring probably from a 1st- to early 2nd-century casket (SF 1, finds no 3), and Roman brick/tile fragments (finds no 4). Inhumation burial F15 contained Roman tile, and Roman sherds including a 3rd-century indented beaker (finds no 8). Inhumation burial F17 contained a residual prehistoric flint flake, Roman sherds, and a septaria lump (finds no 10). Inhumation burial F18 contained Roman and 1st- to 2nd-/3rd century sherds (finds no 9). L5 contained 1st- to 2nd-/early 3rd-century Roman sherds (finds no 11).
T9 contained two E-W aligned Roman ditches (F32, F33). The two Roman ditches may be also associated with the Roman cemetery. F32 contained residual Late Bronze Age sherds, burnt flint (presumably residual prehistoric), ?1st- to 2nd-century and 1st- to 2nd-/3rd-century Roman sherds, Roman brick and tile, tufa, septaria, and two hobnails presumably displaced from a Roman burial (finds no 20), and Roman tile (finds no 22). F33 contained residual Late Bronze Age sherds, and 1st- to 2nd-/3rd-century and early/mid 2nd- to late 3rd-/early 4th-century Roman sherds (finds no 21).
T10 contained eight undated features: five post-holes (F1-F4, F16), a small pit F7, and two small gullies (F6-F7). None of these features produced finds, but their general characteristics and fills suggested a Roman rather than post-medieval or modern date.
The depth of the burials below modern ground surface is not recorded in the report. The stratigraphical sequence in T8 (which produced nine inhumations) was as follows: the asphalt car-park surface was L1. This sealed L2 and L3, hogging and hardcore crush (base for the car-park surface). L3 sealed L4, a remnant modern topsoil (pre-dating the car-park), which sealed L5, a buried topsoil dated to the post-medieval period by the presence of peg-tile. L5 sealed the archaeological feature. <1>
Part of the trial-trenching (three trenches, 0.6% sample of Area H) had previously been undertaken in advance of outline planning permission in 2002 (Stage 1a)(CAT Report 206). No significant archaeology was encountered within these trenches (and no burials were defined). <2>
An archaeological excavation took place to the south (west) in 2004, in Area J1 North (356 burials in a 0.37ha excavation area; 352 in the excavation and 4 in the evaluation). <3><4>
Sources/Archives (5)
- <1> SCC888 Evaluation Report: Brooks, Howard and Holloway, Ben (CAT). 2007. Stage 1b archaeological evaluation, Alienated Land Area H, Colchester Garrison, Colchester, Essex. January - February 2007. CAT Report 413.
- <2> SCC709 Evaluation Report: Brooks, Howard (CAT). 2002. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Areas A, B, D, GJ H, J, N, V and YP at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex. CAT Report 206.
- <3> SCC822 EXCAV REPORT: Pooley, L., Holloway, B., Crummy, P. (CAT) and Masefield, R. (RPS Grp). 2006. Assessment report on the archaeological investigations carried out on Areas C1, C2, E, J1, O, Q and S1 of the Alienated Land, Colchester Garrison, including the Time Team trenches and the Alienated Land watching brief. CAT Report 361.
- <4> SCC1140 EXCAV REPORT: Pooley, L., Crummy, P., Shimmin, D., Brooks., H., Holloway, B. and Masefield, R.. 2011. Archaeological investigations on the 'Alienated Land', Colchester Garrison, Colchester, Essex. CAT Report 412.
- <5> SCC73236 EXCAV REPORT: Pooley, Laura. 2017. Roman burials: Archaeological excavation (Stage 2) on Colchester Garrison 'Alienated Land' Area H, off Butt Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 2DL. CAT Report 1033.
Related Monuments/Buildings (3)
- MCC10199 Roman burials, Former Garrison Area H1 (former Royal Artillery Barracks), Colchester Garrison (Element Group)
- MCC10200 Roman burials, Former Garrison Area H2 (former Royal Artillery Barracks), Colchester Garrison (Element Group)
- MCC2807 Roman burials, Former Garrison Area J1 North (former Royal Artillery Barracks), Colchester Garrison (Monument)
Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)
- ECC2659 Evaluation of Garrison Redevelopment Project, Colchester, 2006 (Ref: ECC2659)
Record last edited
Jan 10 2018 3:42PM