Element record MCC3009 - Late Neolithic pit, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester
Grid reference | TL 9971 2446 (point) |
Map sheet | TL92SE |
County | ESSEX |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
A single Late Neolithic pit, c.0.80m in diameter x 0.28m deep, was recorded in Area C2 of the Garrison site, along with a small number of residual Late Neolithic pottery sherds and several pieces of prehistoric worked flint. The pit had been partially cut away by a later Roman urned cremation burial and was located within the centre of a Roman ring ditch. It is not clear whether the placement of the Roman barrow burial over the pit was deliberate or accidental. Several sherds of Peterborough Ware and a Beaker rim were recorded from the pit and environmental evidence revealed that the fill of the pit was at least partly derived from burnt 'domestic' refuse.<1>
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SCC822 EXCAV REPORT: Pooley, L., Holloway, B., Crummy, P. (CAT) and Masefield, R. (RPS Grp). 2006. Assessment report on the archaeological investigations carried out on Areas C1, C2, E, J1, O, Q and S1 of the Alienated Land, Colchester Garrison, including the Time Team trenches and the Alienated Land watching brief. CAT Report 361, p.30.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jan 12 2017 8:43AM