Source/Archive record SCC73474 - Digital photograph of 10-14 Vineyard Street, Colchester

Title Digital photograph of 10-14 Vineyard Street, Colchester
Date/Year 2011


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Digital photograph taken by Colchester Historic Buildings Forum for the Local List (adopted in December 2011).


Colchester Historic Buildings Forum CBC

Referenced Monuments (59)

  • Birch WWII Airfield – Dispersed Site No 14 (Sewage Works), Messing-cum-Inworth (Monument)
  • Birch WWII Airfield (Monument)
  • Wormingford WWII Airfield - Mess Site, Fordham (Monument)
  • Wormingford WWII Airfield with WWI landing ground origins, Wormingford (Monument)
  • WWII 4.7-inch Gun Emplacement at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII 4.7-inch Gun Emplacement at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Anti-Tank Obstacles (destroyed), Sewage Works, Hythe Marshes, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Battery Observation Post (destroyed), West Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Battery Observation Post at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Bombing Decoy, "BR2 East Mersea", East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Concrete Firing Post, East Bay House, East Bridge, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Gun Emplacement No. 1 (destroyed), West Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Gun Emplacement No. 2, West Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed) at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed) at Hall Farm, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed) NE of Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), E of coastal artillery site, West Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), East Bay Mill, East Street, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Eastbay House, East Bridge, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Hawkins Road, The Hythe, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Hythe Marshes, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Hythe Marshes, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), King Edward Quay, The Hythe, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Moors Dump, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), near Malthouse, The Hythe, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Nr Malthouse Arms, The Hythe, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Rowhedge Quay (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Sewage Works, Hythe Marshes, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), The Strood, Peldon (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), W bank of River Colne, Fingringhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox (destroyed), Youth Camp, Mersea Island (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox at extreme end of Mersea Island, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox on beach by Coopers Beach Holiday Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox on sea wall by Waldegraves Farm, West Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox on sea wall N of Pyefleet Channel (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox on sea wall N of Pyefleet Channel (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, bank of the River Colne north of the Hythe, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, Chappel Bridge, Chappel (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, Cowdray Avenue, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, Hilly Fields, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, Hythe Station, Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, north of Colchester Road, Chappel Viaduct, Wakes Colne (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, River Colne, NE Colchester (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, sea wall, Langenhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, sea wall, Langenhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, sea wall, Langenhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, sea wall, Langenhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, sea wall, Langenhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, sea wall, Langenhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, sea wall, Langenhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, South of Colchester Road, Chappel Viaduct, Wakes Colne (Monument)
  • WWII Pillbox, west bank of the River Colne, Fingringhoe (Monument)
  • WWII Searchlight Emplacement (destroyed), West Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Searchlight Emplacement at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Searchlight Emplacement at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Searchlight Emplacement, West Mersea (Monument)
  • WWII Spigot Mortar Emplacement (destroyed), Hythe Hill, Colchester (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jun 15 2020 12:34PM

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