Source/Archive record SCC155 - Colchester Archaeological Group Bulletin 9, part 2

Title Colchester Archaeological Group Bulletin 9, part 2
Date/Year 1966
Colchester Archaeological Group 9


Colchester Archaeological Group Annual Bulletin 9, part 2, 1966 Current and Forthcoming Events, 9 (13) Preliminary Report on the Excavations in the Garden of St. Mary’s Rectory, Colchester, 1965, P.R. Holbert, 10-14 (14-24) The Mound at Tendring, F.H. Erith, 14 (26) The May Outing, 15 (26-27) Notes, 15 (27)
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Produced by the Colchester Archaeological Group


Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service MRC, Library and records room

Referenced Monuments (9)

  • Roman and later features, St Mary's Rectory site, Colchester (Element Group)
  • Roman ditch at St Mary's Rectory, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman pottery kiln, St Mary's Rectory, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman street between Insula 25a and 25b, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman tessellated pavement at St Mary's Rectory site, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman wall, St Mary's Rectory site (Insula 25a), Colchester (Element)
  • Roman wall, St Mary's Rectory site, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman wall, St Mary's Rectory site, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman wall, St Mary's Rectory site, Colchester (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Excavations in St Mary's Rectory Gardens, Colchester, 1965 (Ref: ECC942)

Record last edited

Oct 31 2016 3:00PM

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