Number of records found: 214
Monument record: MCC7045 Gosbecks Farm, Colchester (Monument)Field investigations in the large field to the west of the temple site.
Monument record: MCC1968 Roman building within temple precinct, Royal Grammar School playing field, Colchester (Monument)Roman building within the temple precinct on the Royal Grammar School playing field, excavated in 1947.
Monument record: MCC602 Roman temple, Sheepen, Colchester (Monument)3rd century Roman Temple at St Helena School, recorded during excavations in 1935.
Monument record: MCC8275 Castle grounds (Monument)Immediately before the S front of the temple and castle, 59ft from the latter and 92ft from the presumed face of the former, was uncovered a large well dressed stone in the centre of which was a round hole 6.5" in diameter..
Monument record: MCC2114 ?Roman temple, St Mary's Hospital, Colchester (Monument)Possible Roman temple, St Mary's Hospital, Pope's Lane, Colchester.
Monument record: MCC3045 Element group, St Helena School, Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex (Element Group)A trial-trench at St Helena School revealed thirteen archaeological features. Three features were dated either Late Iron Age or Roman - two pits/post-holes, and a gravel surface. The other ten features included two post-medieval ditches, and eight undated pits or post-holes.
Monument record: MCC2089 Roman drain, south of the Temple of Claudius (Insula 22), Colchester (Element)Roman drain, south of the Temple of Claudius.
Monument record: MCC2090 Roman plinth, south of Temple of Claudius (Insula 22), Colchester (Element)Roman plinth, south of Temple of Claudius, recorded during investigations in the 1930s.
Monument record: MCC8519 Colchester - St Mary's Hospital Nursing Home (Monument)Construction of the nurses home.
Monument record: MCC1518 Roman building, Mithraeum or waterworks? in Castle Park, Colchester (Monument)Large Roman building in Insula 15, within a walled enclosure, interpreted as a possible Mithraeum (now discounted) or waterworks, situated in Castle Park and exposed during excavations in 1852/3, 1928 and 1954.