Monument record MCC5470 - Colchester Garrison Project, Colchester


Features relating to the Civil War and later wars were uncovered on this site.


Grid reference TL 989 229 (point)
Map sheet TL92SE


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Full Description

Evaluation of Areas A, B, D, GJ, H, J, N, V and YP at the Colchester Garrison PFI site by trial-trenching. Revealed built-up nature of large parts of the northern Garrison area. Anglo-Saxon and medieval pottery and post-medieval finds were found. <14>

Areas C1, C2, E, J1, O, Q and S1 of the Alienated Land at Colchester Garrison were excavated. Medieval and post-medieval features were found, as well as some post-medieval pottery.<17>

Trial-trenching evaluation of Alienated Land P1 at Colchester Garrison. Some post-medieval pottery was found.<18>

Archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching at Area J1 of the Garrison Urban Village, Colchester.
17 trenches were excavated and 61 features recorded. Some medieval and post-medieval pottery was found. <23>

Archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching at Area E of the Garrison Urban Village, Colchester.
4 trenches were dug and 25 features recorded. Some post-medieval pottery was found. A post-medieval ditch was interpreted as being part of the 1648 Civil War seigeworks <24>

Archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Area C at Colchester Garrison PFI site.
18 trenches were excavated, and a total of 136 archaeological contexts were excavated or examined. Some medieval pottery was found. <29>

Archaeological evaluation by fieldwalking and geophysical survey at Colchester Garrison PFI site.
No finds. <30>

A survey of World War II air-raid shelters at area C2.<10>
Four trenches revealed twelve linear features interpreted as graves. No bones were exposed and further work would be needed to confirm this.<35>

Cavalry Barracks parade ground: a watching brief during construction of a prefabricated building. Part of the Garrison excavations.
No Roman cremations or any significant archaeological remains were noted, apart from brick footings for a demolished Victorian barrack block.<34>

Following an evaluation, four sites 0.5 ha in total were opened on the sports pitch. Finds from Mesolithic, Neolithic and early Bronze Age suggested early activity.<36>

Virtually no Saxon or medieval features recognised. Area F was indetified as Military training produced features included three pillboxes, one gun emplacement a tank trap ditch.<1>

Military training features included linear trenches and horse shoe trenches.<3>

Evaluation suggests the area was not used for any purpose other than agriculture in the Anglo-Saxon and medieval periods. Modern features relate to military trenches, services and pits. <4>

Seventeen boreholes and thirty test pits majority were hand dug and 80% were monitored. No features were revealed but the majority of finds were post medieval, but few medieval in date<7>

Watching brief in area C and F revealed WW1 military practise trenches, sappers ‘practice tunnels and a trench drainage feature.<9>
Survey of WWII air raid shelters in area C2<10>
A third field syytem was identified by post-medieval ditches<12>
Ditch F49 was undated but put as post Roman. A series of eight sub-rectangular pits were unexcavated but had clay pipe and peg tile in upper fills. There was also a unexcavated north-south ditch, dated as before. Modern activity was represented by a few pits and stakeholes.<13>

Sources/Archives (24)

  • <1> EXCAV REPORT: Brooks, H and Masefield, R. 2005. The Colchester Garrison PFI project, Colchester, essex - a report on the 2003 excavation of Areas 2, 6, 10: August-November 2003.. CAT 292.
  • <2> DESC TEXT: Crossan, C, Crummy,P, Holloway, B, Lister, C, Pooley, L and Masefield, R. 2005. Colchester Archaeological Trust- Garrison Reports. CAT CR-R.
  • <3> DESC TEXT: Brooks, H and Masefield, R. 2006. A watching brief at Colchester New Garrison (Phase 1) Colchester, Essex. February 2004-August 2005. CAT Report 357. CAT 357.
  • <4> DESC TEXT: Orr, Kate. 2004. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching at Area C1X and Area C2X of the Garrison Urban Village, Colchester, Essex;May 2004. CAT Report 271. CAT 271.
  • <7> DESC TEXT: Orr, Kate. 2001. An archaeological waching brief on geotechnical boreholes and test-pits (Phase 4) Colchester Garrison PFI site. CAT Report 154.
  • <9> DESC TEXT: Tyler, S and Brooks, H. 2003. An archaeological watching brief on munitions clearance at Colchester garrison, Essex. July-October 2002.. CAT 246.
  • <10> DESC TEXT: Lister, C and Orr, K. 2004. A survey of a group of air-raid shelters at Area C2 of the Garrison Urban Village, napier Road, Colchester, Essex. April-May 2004. CAT319.
  • <12> DESC TEXT: Brooks, H and Holloway, B. 2007. Stage 1b archaeological evaluation, Alienated Land Area S2(south), Colchester Garrison, Colchester, Essex. January 2007. CAT Report 404. CAT 404.
  • <13> EXCAV REPORT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2000. Archaeological excavations at the Garrison sports pitch, Circular Road North, Colchester, Essex (Abbey Field). CAT 138.
  • <14> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2002. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Areas A,B,D,J,H,J,N,V and YP at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex:. CAT 206.
  • <17> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2006. Assessment report on the archaeological investigations carried out on Areas C1, C2, E, J1, O, Q, and S1 -. CAT 361.
  • <18> EXCAV REPORT: Brooks, H and Holloway, B. 2007. Stage 1b archaeological evaluation, Alienated Land Area P1 (off Berechurch Road), Colchester Garrison, Colchester, Essex.December 2006. CAT 403.
  • <20> DESC TEXT: Holloway, Ben. 2006. An archaeological evaluation for a new car park on the Abbey Field, south of Circular Road North, Colchester, Essex. CAT Report 358.
  • <23> DESC TEXT: Holloway, Ben and Brooks, H. 2004. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching at Area J1 of the Garrison Urban Village, Colchester, Essex -. CAT 288.
  • <24> DESC TEXT: Holloway, Ben. 2004. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching at Area E of the Garrison Urban Village, Colchester, Essex - CAT Report 274. CAT 274.
  • <27> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2002. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Area KR at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex -. CAT Report 205.
  • <28> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2002. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Areas E and F at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex -. CAT 203.
  • <29> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2002. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Area C at Colchester Garrison PFI site -. CAT 197.
  • <30> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2002. An archaeological evaluation by fieldwalking and geophysical survey at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex -. CAT 184.
  • <32> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2000. An archaeological desk-based assessment of the Colchester Garrison PFI site. CAT Report 97.
  • <33> DESC TEXT: Brooks, H and Holloway, B. 2007. Stage 1b archaeological evaluation, Alienated Land Area J2, Colchester Garrison, Colchester, Essex. October 2006 and August- September 2007. CAT Report 437.
  • <34> DESC TEXT: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 2001. An archaeological watching brief at Cavalry Barracks, Circular Road West, Colchester, Essex. CAT Report 153.
  • <35> DESC TEXT: Brooks, H and Holloway, B. 2007. An Archaeological evaluation at Colchester Garrison Church, Military Road, Colchester, Essex. April 2007. CAT Report 419.
  • <36> EXCAV REPORT: Brooks, H and Holloway, B; Masefield R. 2007. Interim assessment report on Stage 2 archaeological excavations, Alienated Land Area S2 (south), Colchester Garrison, Colchester,Essex. February-March 2007. CAT Report 428.

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Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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