Number of records found: 214
Monument record: MCC1962 Romano-Celtic temple precinct on the Royal Grammar School Playing Field, Colchester (Monument)Romano-Celtic temple precinct on the Royal Grammar School Playing Field excavated in 1947.
Monument record: MCC2333 Roman street between Insula 14 and 22, Colchester (Monument)Roman east-west street situated between Insula 14 and 22.
Monument record: MCC2334 Roman wall, Maidenburgh Street, Colchester (Element)Roman wall foundation, aligned N to S, discovered during a watching brief at the Conservative Club, Maidenburgh Street (rear of 107 High Street) in 1975. Possibly the west wall of the temple precinct MCC1544, but this is quite uncertain.
Monument record: MCC7042 Gosbecks Iron Age and Romano-British site - cemetery (Monument)Cemetery at the Gosbecks site.
Monument record: MCC7472 Roman fort, Gosbecks, Stanway (Monument)Roman fort, possibly dating to the Conquest Period, c.AD 43, and pre-dating the legionary fortress 4km to the north, although it has not been the subject of excavation. The fort enclosed an area c.1.6ha. in size - the size for a cavalry ala or an infantry cohort. The western side of the fort is formed by Heath Farm Dyke.
Monument record: MCC7498 Sheepen - St Helena's playing field (Monument)Winged Roman house discovered to the north side of the temenos of temple 2..
Monument record: MCC9298 Roman 'cut' feature, St Mary's Hospital, Colchester (Element)An L-shaped 'cut' feature, dated to the Roman period, was defined in evaluation trench 1 (undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust in 1997) at St Mary's Hospital (former Union Workhouse), Pope's Lane, Colchester.
Monument record: MCC7043 Temenos enclosing Gosbecks Romano-Celtic temple complex, Colchester (Monument)Temenos enclosing Gosbecks Romano-Celtic temple complex (MCC2849). The large walled enclosure or temenos (c.2.65ha. in area), enclosing the temple, abutted another large (c.4ha.) walled area to the east, to the north of the theatre (MCC2831) and north-east of the site of Cunobelin's farmstead (MCC7044).
Monument record: MCC1561 Roman drain south of the precinct wall of the Temple of Claudius, Colchester (Element)Roman stone-lined drain south of the precinct wall of the Temple of Claudius (MCC1544), recorded in 1964.
Monument record: MCC1563 Pre-Boudican Roman wall, 98-99 High Street, Colchester (Element)Pre-Boudican timber wall, recorded during excavations on the south side of (and outside) the Temple Precinct (MCC1544) in 1964.