Number of records found: 713
Monument record: MCC7010 Trumpingtons (Monument)Two-storied, timber-framed and plastered house with tiled roofs.
Monument record: MCC7238 Little Loveney Hall, Wakes Colne (Building)Late 16th or early 17th century timber-framed house.
Monument record: MCC7570 Badcocks Farm (Monument)Incomplete, irregular moat.
Monument record: MCC859 Town Wall, Colchester (Monument)The Town Wall was intially constructed free standing at an early date following the Boudican revolt, although the exact date is open to interpretation. Six gates were built into the wall, including the Balkerne Gate (MCC555) on the west side - the main gate - which incorporated a free-standing monumental arch (MCC718), as well as a series of rectangular towers and tile drains at the end of streets. An interior rampart was added in the late 2nd century AD and, at some point, a V-shaped defensive ditch was cut around the outer foot of the wall. This was modified in the late 3rd century, and two of the town gates were closed off. Major repairs were carried out in 1173-4. During the Middle Ages there were four main gates (along with two or three pedestrian gates) into the walled town, with the main gate on the south side near the south-west corner, Head Gate. A programme of repairs was initiated between c.1381-1413, including the addition of eight bastions on the south-east circuit (four survive above ground). Beside the four principal gates, there were two sherde (pedestrian) gates, on the north and south sides of the circuit, and another on the west side; no medieval gate structures survive above ground. The town wall and its gates suffered significant damage during the 1648 Siege.
Monument record: MCC8656 Church of St. John the Baptist, Layer de la Haye (Monument)The church was restored in the 19th century.
Monument record: MCC8659 Wivenhoe House (Monument)An old deer park, improved in1776-80 by Richard Woods, to form a landscaped park of 34ha around a country house.
Monument record: MCC877 Roman building (CAT Building 110), Insula 34 at Culver Street, Colchester (Monument)Roman building (CAT Building 110) was discovered during excavations at Culver Street between 1981-2 and 1984-5.
Monument record: MCC9129 Wakes Colne Green (Monument)Historic green shown on the 1777 Chapman & Andre Map, Tithe Map of 1838 and on the County Series at 1:2500 Scale Epoch 1 Map (1874-1887), although by the latter map the size of the green had significantly decreased.
Monument record: MCC698 Medieval Building (CAT Building 28), Lion Walk, Colchester (Monument)12th? century stone-built hall (CAT Building 28), corner of Lion Walk and Culver Street, recorded during the excavations at Lion Walk between 1971-4.