Number of records found: 53
Monument record: MCC5466 Prehistoric evidence from the Colchester Garrison Project, Colchester (Monument)Bronze Age/Middle Iron Age settlement evidence and sparse Neolithic finds were uncovered over the general project area.
Monument record: MCC10098 Prehistoric flint and pottery, High Trees, St Clare Drive, Colchester (Find Spot)Residual flints and pottery sherds variously dated from the Mesolithic/Early Neolithic to Bronze Age or Early Iron Age, recorded by excavation in 2016 (and evaluation in 2013), show prehistoric activity in this area.
Monument record: MCC2592 Prehistoric pottery, flint and Anglo-Saxon pottery and comb, Culver Street, Colchester (Find Spot)Prehistoric pottery and flint and Anglo-Saxon pottery and comb, recorded during excavations at Culver Street between 1981-2 and 1984-5.
Monument record: MCC10082 Early Neolithic tree throw, former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks (Site E), Colchester (Element)Tree throw EF13 containing a large group of Early Neolithic pottery (61 sherds, 378g) and worked flints (5 flakes, 16g) and two burnt flint (20g), recorded during 2011 Site D excavation (F31 in the 2010 evaluation T23), in advance of the redevelopment of the former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks, Mersea Road.
Monument record: MCC2996 Three mid to late Neolithic pits, Area C1X, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element Group)Three pits containing mid to late Neolithic pottery, recorded by evaluation (Trench 4) in 2004. Three further pits of the same date were defined by excavation of a wider area.
Monument record: MCC3001 Six mid to late Neolithic pits, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element Group)Six mid to late Neolithic pits, representing a single phase of activity, defined by evaluation and excavation in 2004.
Monument record: MCC3009 Late Neolithic pit, Area C2, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Element)Late Neolithic pit with a number of residual pottery sherds and worked flint, recorded in 2004.
Monument record: MCC455 Finds from St John's Abbey Precinct, Colchester (Find Spot)Late Bronze Age pottery, Neolithic flint, Anglo-Saxon? Sherds found during excavations in 1972.
Monument record: MCC10076 Two? late prehistoric pits, former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks (Site C), Colchester (Element Group)Two small pits (F150 and F152) containing late prehistoric pottery, recorded during 2010 evaluation (and 2011 Site C excavation) in advance of the redevelopment of the former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks, Mersea Road.
Monument record: MCC8859 Possible Roman grave, Melrose Road, West Mersea (Monument)A small assemblage of Roman pottery was found in 1946 in what might have been a grave to the south of Melrose Road, West Mersea.