Number of records found: 49
Monument record: MCC7970 Colchester (Monument)Robbed hypocaust found sealing a large E-W ditch, back filling of which dated to the first half of the C2.
Monument record: MCC8018 Colchester - Hollytrees Meadow (Monument)REd tessellated pavement discovered by workmen planting a goal-post near the centre of the meadow, only 18" below the surface.
Monument record: MCC397 Roman building (CAT Building 71), Middleborough, Colchester (Monument)Large Roman building, with a hypocaust in one room, investigated during excavations at the Middleborough (Cattle Market) site in 1979.
Monument record: MCC1691 Roman building, Lewis's Gardens Site (Insula 39), Queen Street, Colchester (Monument)Roman building (House V) discovered during excavations on the Lewis's Gardens site (Insula 39) in 1958.
Monument record: MCC2473 Roman hypocaust, Kirkee McMunn Barracks, Colchester (Element)Roman hypocaust F25, Kirkee McMunn Barracks, recorded during a watching brief in 1994. Excavation was limited to a small number of narrow trenches at the edge of F25.
Monument record: MCC8321 Colchester - Long Wyre Street (Monument)Account in Wire's diary, 1848, notes that during the sewerage works in Long Wire Street extensive remains of a Roman villa were discovered.
Monument record: MCC8664 Kirkee McMunn Barracks (Monument)Roman occupation (and slight prehistoric activity, see 16847).
Monument record: MCC4855 Site of Roman building, Crouch Street, Colchester (Monument)Site of Roman building - a foundation of a pavement noted by Laver in 1922.
Monument record: MCC983 Roman hypocaust?, corner of Queen Street and East Hill, Colchester (Element)Roman hypocaust?, corner of Queen Street and East Hill, recorded in 1925.
Monument record: MCC8790 Wick Farm (Monument)Roman settlement gradually revealed during gravel works with little organised investigation.