Number of records found: 713
Monument record: MCC9304 Late Medieval to early post-medieval stake and wattle fence BF5, Osborne Street, Colchester (Element)Late 16th century stake and wattle fence BF5, defined during excavations at Site B, Osborne Street in 1988-89.
Monument record: MCC9353 Fingringhoe Hall, Church Road, Fingringhoe (Building)Fingringhoe Hall, mid 17th century and Georgian, and associated outbuildings.
Monument record: MCC3445 The Prince of Wales Public House, 14 Magdalen Street, Colchester (Building)C18 brick building with C19 public house frontage.
Monument record: MCC370 187 Lexden Road, Colchester (Building)17th century house.
Monument record: MCC3786 Pond House, Church Road, Boxted (Building)C16 timber-framed house, incorporating remnants of an earlier building.
Monument record: MCC383 39 & 41 Queen Street, Colchester (Building)16th century buildings, with 18th century front.
Monument record: MCC5045 The Quay. Wivenhoe (Monument)The quay forms the southern boundary of the town.
Monument record: MCC5170 Colchester, 64-76 Hythe Hill. (Monument)Occupation on site dated to 12th- 13th Century extending to the 14th- 15th Century and 17thC onwards.
Monument record: MCC5400 First Eastern National Bus Station, Queen Street, Colchester (Monument)Evaluation trenches dug at the National Bus Station revealed archaeological material ranging from Roman through Post Medieval into the modern period.
Monument record: MCC5432 Mercury Flats, Balkerne Gardens, Colchester (Monument)Evidence for Roman features and structures, medieval and postmedieval features.