Number of records found: 713
Monument record: MCC5466 Prehistoric evidence from the Colchester Garrison Project, Colchester (Monument)Bronze Age/Middle Iron Age settlement evidence and sparse Neolithic finds were uncovered over the general project area.
Monument record: MCC8543 West Mersea - The Strood (Monument)Waterlogged Middle Anglo-Saxon causeway, dated to the late 7th or very early 8th century, located during the laying of a new water main at the Strood.
Monument record: MCC9023 Cuckoo Farm, Colchester (Monument)Possible linear features, masked by geological and modern drainage features. The SMR photos also show two ring ditches in this field at about TM 004 292.
Monument record: MCC10100 Warehouses, Hawkins Road, The Hythe, Colchester (Building)Four adjoining brick warehouses, and adjacent house, on the north (east) side of the River Colne, adjacent to Old Hythe Bridge, dating from the late 19th century.
Monument record: MCC150 11 High Street, Colchester (Building)17th century house.
Monument record: MCC153 23 & 24 High Street, Colchester (site of) (Monument)16th century house, now demolished.
Monument record: MCC156 69-70 High Street, Colchester (Building)17th century house.
Monument record: MCC157 71 & 72 High Street, Colchester (Building)17th century house.
Monument record: MCC158 73A & 73B High Street, Colchester (Building)17th century house.
Monument record: MCC160 The Gate House & East Lodge, 83 & 84 High Street, Colchester (Building)16th & 17th century building.