Number of records found: 76
Monument record: MCC4815 Undated cropmarks, Great Horkesley (Monument)Cropmarks of probable former field boundaries, recorded by air photography.
Monument record: MCC5223 St Helena School Drama Block, Sheepen Road, Colchester (Monument)Test pits revealed early Roman features and finds.
Monument record: MCC2719 Bronze Age Sheepen Cauldron, Colchester (Find Spot)Bronze Age Cauldron, recorded during excavations at Sheepen in 1932.
Monument record: MCC5682 Wormingford Mere, Wormingford. (Monument)To the west of the decoys are cropmarks of two very large ring ditches.
Monument record: MCC455 Finds from St John's Abbey Precinct, Colchester (Find Spot)Late Bronze Age pottery, Neolithic flint, Anglo-Saxon? Sherds found during excavations in 1972.
Monument record: MCC8916 North east of Fen Farm (Monument)Linear features including field boundaries, several large pits which may be sunken houses or defensive, and two ring-ditches.
Monument record: MCC10047 Group of Late Iron Age and early Roman occupation features, 19 St Clare Road, Colchester (Element Group)Group of Late Iron Age and early Roman occupation features, 19 St Clare Road, Colchester, indicating an area of settlement or agricultural-related activity.
Monument record: MCC9206 Features defined by evaluation in Alientated Land Area J2, Colchester Garrison, Colchester, 2006-7 (Monument)Scattered and sparse archaeological features were defined in 19 trial-trenches excavated by Colchester Archaeological Trust in Colchester Garrison Alienated Land Area J2, in October 2006 and September 2007. No further investigation took place.
Monument record: MCC9340 Medieval and Late Medieval features to the east of Turkey Cock Lane, Stanway (Element Group)A number of medieval and late medieval ditches, pits (clay extraction pits?) and post-holes were defined (possibly part of a structure?) in advance of the construction of a water pipeline in 2011.
Monument record: MCC2484 Finds from Kirkee McMunn Barracks, Colchester (Find Spot)Bronze Age Pottery, Iron Age Pottery, Flints, Roman Pottery, recorded during a watching brief in 1994.