Number of records found: 53
Monument record: MCC9330 Mesolithic and Late Neolithic flint scatter, Coronation Grove, Birch (Find Spot)Field walking in 2007 recovered 200 flints were recovered. Most of the flint was waste from flint working, i.e. trimming pieces, flakes or debitage. A number of cores or fragments of cores were found. A small proportion were completed tools (scrapers, blades, knives). The diagnostic pieces indicate a multi-period site, mainly Mesolithic with some later Neolithic activity.
Monument record: MCC3097 Three Roman cremation burials, 12 St Clare Road, Colchester (Element Group)At least three Roman urned cremation burials were found to the west of the house during the groundworks for a swimming pool in 2010. One burial (F1), dated to the mid 1st-early/mid 2nd century, was well-preserved and comprised a large storage jar with a complete accessory vessel (flagon) inside. The second burial (F2), dated to the early/mid 2nd century to late 3rd/early 4th century comprised the fragmented remains of a jar that had been truncated in antiquity. A third cremation burial (F3) was found by workmen. Further quantities of pottery might indicate further burials.
Monument record: MCC5240 Braziers Farm, Great Tey (Cressing-Great Horkesley Fresh Trunk Main) (Monument)Prehistoric ring ditch and possible enclosure ditch investigated during the installation of a water pipeline.
Monument record: MCC5241 Brookhouse Road, Great Tey (Cressing-Great Horkesley Water Trunk Main) (Monument)A sequence of Roman trackways and enclosures, investigated during the installation of a water pipeline, containing corn-driers represents a crop-processing area dating from the mid-1st to later 4th century. The crop-processing enclosure was enlarged in the mid/late 2nd century. A medieval stock enclosure dating from the 12th/13th to 15th century was recorded beside Brookhouse Road. In addition, a shallow clayey peat deposit measuring 60m across was exposed to the south-west of the excavated area, in the floodplain of the tributary stream near its junction with the Roman River.
Monument record: MCC5467 Birch Pit western extension, Maldon Road, Colchester (Monument)Middle-Late Bronze Age pits and possible ring-ditch.
Monument record: MCC10051 Iron Age occupation features at Hall Road, Copford (Monument)Early Iron Age pits and a ditch were defined by trial-trenched evaluation on land west of Hall Road, Copford, in 2016.
Monument record: MCC4998 Land south of Fingringhoe Ballast Quarry, Fingringhoe (Monument)Fieldwalking was undertaken by Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust in 2000 and trial trenching by Archaeological Solutions in 2004. See also MCC5440 and MCC5441.
Monument record: MCC5414 Church Lane, Colchester (Monument)Excavation of cropmarks revealed an Iron Age droveway or trackway, and enclosures, with later Roman and Anglo-Saxon material.
Monument record: MCC5470 Colchester Garrison Project, Colchester (Monument)Features relating to the Civil War and later wars were uncovered on this site.
Monument record: MCC5660 Late Iron Age, Roman, and Medieval features, Layer-de-la-Haye Treatment Works, Colchester, Essex (Monument)Layer-de-la-Haye Treatment Works, Colchester, Essex