Number of records found: 49
Monument record: MCC2474 Roman wall, Kirkee McMunn Barracks, Colchester (Element)Roman wall foundation F48 of a building with a hypocaust (F25; MCC2473), Kirkee McMunn Barracks, recorded in 1994.
Monument record: MCC2478 Roman oven, Kirkee McMunn Barracks, Colchester (Element)Roman oven F8, Kirkee McMunn Barracks, recorded in 1994.
Monument record: MCC2489 Roman features, Kirkee McMunn Barracks, Colchester (Element Group)Roman features, recorded in 1994.
Monument record: MCC2700 Finds from evaluation south of Victoria Inn, North Station Road (Find Spot)Roman brick and tile, wall plaster and pottery, Medieval pottery
Monument record: MCC694 Possible Roman building, Site A/R Lion Walk, Colchester (Monument)Roman, a complex of rooms off the Roman street, interpreted as a building (CAT Building 24), recorded during the major excavations, 1971-4.
Monument record: MCC7876 Colchester - Castle Park (Monument)Excavations uncovered Roman stone houses and part of the street grid.
Monument record: MCC1239 Roman ditch, Crouch Street, Colchester (Monument)Roman 1st century defensive ditch discovered during excavations at Crouch Street in 1973.
Monument record: MCC2668 Froman and medieval finds, rear of 21 Middleborough, Colchester (Find Spot)Finds dating from between Roman period and the 16th century, recorded by evaluation in 1999. Finds included two large timbers were recovered which may have been from a Roman wharf. There was also a large quantity of leather pieces including shoe soles of late 14th century date, offcuts from leather working and an unusual piece consisting of two straps held together by a thong.
Monument record: MCC10061 Roman occupation features, Colchester Holiday Park, Cymbeline Way, Colchester (Element Group)Roman occupation features, comprising ditches, pits and post-holes, defined by trial-trenched evaluation at Colchester Holiday Park, Cymbeline Way, in 2016.
Monument record: MCC1291 Roman wall foundation, Castle Park (Insula 15), Colchester (Element)Roman wall foundation (robbed out) in Castle Park (Insula 15), 1983.