Number of records found: 214
Monument record: MCC7799 Colchester - Temple of Claudius (Insula 22) (Monument)Beneath the castle is a vaulted building, divided by cross walls into four vaults.
Monument record: MCC8407 Roman temple - Royal Grammar School Playing Fields, Colchester (Monument)Temple 6. In field 1266, c.1200 yards Sw of the Roman town and c.300ft W of the line of the Roman road coming from Gosbecks.
Monument record: MCC1991 Roman coins at the Romano-Celtic Temple, Royal Grammar School Playing Field, Colchester (Find Spot)Roman coins at the Romano-Celtic Temple on the Royal Grammar School playing field, Colchester, recorded in 1947.
Monument record: MCC7878 Colchester - Kent Blaxhill's (Monument)Roman architectural screen and colonnade found after a fire at `Kent Blaxhill's' premises.
Monument record: MCC3134 Group of Roman features at St Helena School, Colchester (Element Group)Two Roman features, a pit F1 and a compacted gravel surface F2, were defined in a trial-trench to the east of the precinct or temenos of Colchester Temple II. Only the southern edge of the pit was defined, extending northwards out of the trench. The gravel surface was discontinuous across the base of the trench, and was apparently cut by the pit.
Monument record: MCC2088 Roman ?altar base south of Temple of Claudius, Colchester (Monument)Roman ?altar base south of Temple of Claudius, within the Temple precinct, recorded during investigations in the 1930s.
Monument record: MCC1564 Roman Element Group, Temple of Claudius Precinct Wall, Colchester (Monument)Late Roman gullies south of Temple of Claudius precinct wall, recorded in 1964.
Monument record: MCC3133 Group of Roman features at St Helena School, Colchester (Element Group)A Mid-Late Bronze Age pit and Roman features (pits, wall foundation, metalled surface and a ditch), as well as a post-medieval ditch and undated features (4 pits and two ditches), were defined by trial-trenched evaluation within and, to the east of, the internal area (precinct or temenos) of Colchester Temple II.
Monument record: MCC8001 Colchester - Balkerne Lane (Monument)Defences of the fortress and colonia were uncovered and remains of extramural settlement alongside the London-Colchester road.
Monument record: MCC1551 Roman street between Insula 30 and 22, Colchester (Monument)Roman street aligned E to W between Insula 30 and Insula 22.