Number of records found: 713
Monument record: MCC3346 14 High Street, Colchester (Building)Late C19 shop and office, with shop front of c.1993.
Monument record: MCC3798 Noakes Farm Cottage, Boxted (Building)Late C17/early C18 timber-framed house.
Monument record: MCC3893 Rookery Farmhouse, Coles Oak Lane, Dedham (Building)C16 or earlier timber-framed house.
Monument record: MCC4944 The Siege House, 73- 5 East Street (Listed Building)Timber- Framed house built in the late 15th or early 16th century on an L- shaped plan
Monument record: MCC5409 60-66 East Street (formerly Charles Brown & Sons), Colchester (Monument)Several phases of occupation from the 12th century to the modern period were defined by excavations in 2003 and 2004 and also by building assessment.
Monument record: MCC5580 Church View House, Easthorpe Green, Copford (Building)A late 16th century house. Previously known as Flisps.
Monument record: MCC664 Roman and medieval element group, Osborne Street, Colchester (Element Group)Roman revetment and medieval features were defined by limited excavations (in three small areas (A,B,C) of a much larger site), in advance of the construction of a multi-storey car park outside, and to the south, of the walled town, at Osborne Street, 1988-89. These were in addition to the remains of a small Roman building (CAT Building 178) and two late medieval to post-medieval buildings (CAT Buildings 179 & 180)
Monument record: MCC7934 Colchester - Stanwell Street, 2-3 (Monument)18 water leaf capitals founs on a watching brief may be from St John's Abbey.
Monument record: MCC8567 Colchester - St John's Street - Cameo Cinema (Monument)Shell of redundant cinema retained with internal alterations.
Monument record: MCC9155 Peldon Common (Monument)Historic common shown on the County Series at 1:2500 Scale Epoch 1 Map (1874-1887).