Number of records found: 713
Monument record: MCC4726 The Chequers Public House, The Street, Great Tey (Building)Late C17 timber-framed public house.
Monument record: MCC4965 Barn at Brierley Hall Farm (Listed Building)Late C17/early C18 timber framed barn.
Monument record: MCC5189 Colchester General Hospital (NHS Estates West District Site) Colchester, Essex. (Monument)The 12ha site lies 2.5Km north of Colchester town centre. An evaluation revealed a widespread area of linear features of late Iron Age/early Roman date no specific plan could be formulated from the evaluation evidence. A single sherd of late Bronze/early Iron Age and two possible ditches of medieval date.
Monument record: MCC5545 Mascott's, 6 School Road, Copford (Building)House. Mid/late C16 with probable C15 origins to central hall.
Monument record: MCC760 Via principalis of the Legionary Fortress, Colchester (Monument)Main N to S Roman street, via principalis, of the Legionary Fortress and later incorporated into the street grid of the later colonia, investigated between Insulae 34 and 35 at Culver Street, Insulae 10 and 11 at the Telephone Exchange Site, and Insulae 18 and 19 at 147-151 High Street (see MCC2363 for the later street).
Monument record: MCC439 St John's Abbey, Colchester (Monument)11th century Abbey, founded in 1096 by Eudo Dapifer and dissolved 1538. The most significant surviving element is the N. gatehouse (see MCC415), probably C15 in date, with parts of the original C12 precinct wall surviving along Mersea Road, Napier Road and Flagstaff Road (see MCC441). The site of the Abbey Church is recorded by archaeological investigations (see MCC419, MCC3067).
Monument record: MCC7800 Colchester Castle (Monument)Castle comprised an inner bailey around a keep, and an outer bailey between the inner bailey and the N wall of the town.
Monument record: MCC7320 Layer Marney Tower (Monument)Late C19/early C20 formal gardens, mainly laid out by De Zoete.
Monument record: MCC406 St Nicholas' Church, High Street, Colchester (demolished) (Monument)12th century or earlier origin, with Roman walls for foundations, demolished in 1955.
Monument record: MCC5433 Bonds, 14-15 North Hill, Colchester (Monument)Original medieval floors and foundations of the house and a post medieval cellar were uncovered.