Source/Archive record SEX15328 - DOE Scheduled Ancient Monuments
Title | DOE Scheduled Ancient Monuments |
Author/Originator | Department of the Environment |
Date/Year | 1986 |
Images (0)
Documents (0)
Referenced Monuments (15)
- MCC7138 Castle Mound North of St John's Church, Mount Bures (Monument)
- MCC8394 Colchester - Balkerne Gate (Monument)
- MCC5734 Colchester - East Hill House Gardens (Monument)
- MCC7930 Colchester - St John's Abbey (Monument)
- MCC7800 Colchester Castle (Monument)
- MCC6947 Conyfield Wood (Monument)
- MCC7140 Earthwork West of St John's Church, Mount Bures (Monument)
- MCC7471 Gosbecks Iron Age and Romano-British site (Monument)
- MCC7470 Gosbecks Iron Age and Romano-British site. (Monument)
- MCC7279 Heath Farm Dyke Middle, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC7524 Lexden Tumulus Iron Age Barrow and associated cemetery area (Monument)
- MCC7546 Remains of St Mary's Church, Birch (Monument)
- MCC7472 Roman fort, Gosbecks, Stanway (Monument)
- MCC7487 Sheepen Farm - site of pre Roman settlement (Monument)
- MCC7488 Sheepen Farm - site of pre-Roman settlement (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Nov 9 2016 3:30PM