Number of records found: 301
Monument record: MCC3966 Rye Farm House, Long Road West, Dedham (Building)Late C14/early C15 timber-framed house.
Monument record: MCC3967 Lufkins Farmhouse, Lond Road East, Dedham (Building)C17 timber-framed house.
Monument record: MCC3968 Pound Farmhouse, Memmingtree Road, Dedham (Building)Early C19 brick house.
Monument record: MCC3972 Faith Cottage, Monks Lane, Dedham (Building)C18 timber-framed house.
Monument record: MCC3984 Bell Cottage, Stratford Road, Dedham (Building)Early C19 front to earlier timber-framed building.
Monument record: MCC4822 Undated cropmarks, Kiddles Cottage, Dedham (Monument)Cropmarks of former field boundaries, recorded by air photography.
Monument record: MCC5378 The Anchor Inn (Building)Late C18 Public House
Monument record: MCC9065 Cropmarks south of Hill House (Monument)Large sub-circular enclosure(c.105m in diameter) joined by a short ditched trackway to a smaller pear shaped enclosure.
Monument record: MCC9071 East of Dedham (Monument)Cropmark of a ring ditch excavated by Colchester Museum in 1959.