Source/Archive record SCC73361 - Archaeological evaluation on land at Warren Lane, Stanway, Colchester, Essex, CO3 0NW

Title Archaeological evaluation on land at Warren Lane, Stanway, Colchester, Essex, CO3 0NW
Date/Year 2018
Colchester Archaeological Trust 1289


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CAT Report 1289, July 2018 NGR: TL 9469 2221 (centre) Planning ref.: 180554 CHER project: ECC4223 CAT project ref.: 18/05o Colchester Museum accession code: COLEM: 2018.51 OASIS ref.: colchest3-318289


Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd CBC

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Prehistoric features west of Warren Lane, Stanway (Monument)
  • Roman and undated features, east of Bell House Farm, Stanway (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Trial trenched evaluation on land to the west of Warren Lane, Stanway, 2018 (Ref: ECC4223)

Record last edited

Sep 29 2021 10:52AM

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