Source/Archive record SCC320 - The Archaeological Journal Vol. 139

Title The Archaeological Journal Vol. 139
Date/Year 1983


Journal of the Royal Archaeological Institute for the year 1982 see SCC809 for the same source record.
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Published by the Royal Archaeological Institute in 1983. London. Printed by W.S.Maney and Sons Ltd, Leeds, England.


Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service MRC archaeology library

Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (12)

  • 1622 Map showing survey of Castle Lands, Colchester, 1622 (Ref: ECC2071)
  • A survey of the Castle lands, Colchester Castle, 1622 (Ref: ECC2328)
  • Castle excavations, Colchester, 1931-3 (Ref: ECC814)
  • Excavation at Curry's Site, 45-46 High Street, Colchester, 1971 (Ref: ECC76)
  • Excavation of Castle Keep, Colchester, 1977 (Ref: ECC1811)
  • Excavation of Colchester Castle Bailey Chapel, Colchester, 1977 (Ref: ECC1812)
  • Excavation of the Methodist Church site, Ryegate Road, Colchester, 1969 (Ref: ECC1816)
  • Excavations on South side of Temple Precinct, High Street, Colchester, 1964 (Ref: ECC666)
  • Excavations south of Castle Keep, Colchester, 1931-1934 (Ref: ECC1813)
  • Museum Street Excavation, Colchester, 1921 (Ref: ECC763)
  • Norman Bailey ditch observed in Ryegate Road, Colchester, 1979 (Ref: ECC1817)
  • Observation at War Memorial Trench, Castle Park, Colchester, 1922 (Ref: ECC1814)

Record last edited

Apr 16 2019 3:34PM

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