Source/Archive record SCC319 - Colchester 1848
Title | Colchester 1848 |
Author/Originator | Monson, E (Mr) |
Date/Year | 1848 |
Coloured Map showing the 1848 Parishes of Colchester
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Printed at Cowells Anatastic Press, Ipswich. A colour copy is held in the social history cabinet in the records room of the Museum Resource Centre.
Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service Museum Resource Centre, Records Room.
Referenced Monuments (10)
- MCC426 Medieval building (CAT Building 75), Middleborough, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC429 Medieval building (CAT Building 76), Middleborough, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC85 Middle Row, High Street, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC2277 Post medieval windmill, Mersea Road, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC2280 Post medieval windmill (site of), Butt Road, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC2278 Post medieval windmill, Military Road, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC2279 Post medieval windmill, south end of Golden Noble Hill, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC395 Roman and later features, Middleborough, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC2731 Stanwell, Medieval Public Well (Element Group)
- MCC9303 The Great Meeting House, Quakers Alley, Colchester (site of) (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ECC1805 Map of Colchester, 1848 (Ref: ECC1805)
Record last edited
Jul 17 2020 3:19PM