Source/Archive record SCC159 - Colchester Archaeological Group Bulletin 28

Title Colchester Archaeological Group Bulletin 28
Date/Year 1985
Colchester Archaeological Group 28


Colchester Archaeological Group Annual Bulletin 28, 1985 CAG Officers, 1 (1) Editorial, 1 (2) A Rare Cast-Iron Grave Monument, E J Russell, 2-4 (3-5) A Visit to the Kiln in Olivers Spinney, Mary Dale, 4 (6) A Kiln at Olivers 1985: Second Report, A J Fawn, 5-12 (7-20) More Tales of an Antiquary, D T-D Clark, 13-15 (21-24) Aerial Photography Conference at Cambridge, Ida McMaster, 15-16 (25-26) Excavations at Crouched Friars, Colchester, F D Lockwood & D P Tripp, 16-22 (27-35) Report on the Small finds from Crouched Friars, Nina Crummy, 22-27 (36-40) CAG Bulletin Vol. 37: Review from Essex Journal, 28 (41) A Neolithic Axe from Suffolk and an Instance of Hidden History from Stutton, V M Scott, 28-29 (42-43) Saxon Loom Weights and Roman Pottery from Chigborough Farm, Little Totham, P C & K P Adkins, 29-38 (44-56) Weekend Visit to Caerleon and Caerwent, Kath Evans, 39 (57-58) Obituary – Michael Organ, 40 (59) Winter Meetings, 1984 – 1985 41-50 (60-76) Winter Meetings, 1985 - 1986 51 (77) Minutes of CAG AGM 1985, 52-54 (78-80)
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Produced by the Colchester Archaeological Group


Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service MRC, Library and record room

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Road between fortress/town and main Colchester to London Road (Monument)
  • Roman coins, military buckle and tie-hook at Crouched Friars, Crouch Street, Colchester (Find Spot)
  • Roman features, Crouched Friars, Colchester (Element Group)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Excavations at Crouched Friars, Crouch Street, Colchester, 1983-1984 (Ref: ECC698)

Record last edited

Dec 12 2016 9:41AM

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