Find Spot record MCC1803 - Roman coins, military buckle and tie-hook at Crouched Friars, Crouch Street, Colchester


Romans coins, military buckle and tie-hook discovered during excavations at Crouched Friars in 1983/4.


Grid reference TL 99003 25007 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Roman coins and military dress accessories discovered during excavations at Crouched Friars in 1983/4 (ECC698). The coins from the site 'reflect in miniature the range that might be expected on any Roman site in the town'. There were five 1st century coins: two each of Vespasian and Domitian, and one of Nerva AD 96-98. The 2nd and early 3rd centuries were not represented. Two late 3rd century coins included a barbarous radiate, AD 270-290. The 4th century was represented by coins of Licinius II (AD 320-321) and two copies of Constantinian coins, Urbs Roma (AD 330-345) and the Fel Temp Reparatio reverse (AD 350-360). There was also a very corroded coin which could only be given a general date of 3rd to 4th century.
The military dress accessories included an antler buckle dated to the 1st century and a fragment of a copper-alloy girdle-plate tie-hook, from legionary laminated body armour, also of 1st century date.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Serial: Colchester Archaeological Group. 1985. Colchester Archaeological Group Bulletin 28. p.38.

Finds (10)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Dec 12 2016 9:41AM

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