Source/Archive record SCC1035 - Mill House, Mill Lane, Dedham, Essex: Heritage Asset Assessment

Title Mill House, Mill Lane, Dedham, Essex: Heritage Asset Assessment
Date/Year 2014


Heritage Asset Assessment intended to inform and accompany an application for Listed Building Consent to Colchester Borough Council.
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Mill House is a Grade II Listed Building (NHLE no. 1273724)


Leigh Alston CBC

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Bake-house or brew-house to the rear of Mill House, Dedham (Building)
  • Mill House, Mill Lane, Dedham, Essex (Building)
  • Stable, cart shed and hay loft to the east of Mill House, Dedham. (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Mill House, Mill Lane, Dedham, Essex: Heritage Asset Assessment (Ref: ECC2858)

Record last edited

Sep 23 2016 7:21AM

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