Monument record MCC338 - Roman industrial site in the Roman Legionary Fortress, Colchester


Roman industrial activity on a site between Barrack blocks 1 and 2 of the Legionary Fortress at Colchester.


Grid reference TL 99299 25273 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE
1848 Parish ST PETER


Type and Period (7)

Full Description

During the Gilberd School excavations in 1984-5 an area of possible industrial activity was recorded between Barrack Block 1 (MON267) and Barrack Block 2 (MON269). Evidence for a possible structure took the form of post holes running east-west along the northern side of the eastern end of the street (MON268) together with a north - south slot across the eastern end of the street.

A series of occupation layers with a high concentration of charcoal extended over the area between the eastern two contubernia of Barrack Blocks 1 and 2. Five pits and a group of three hearths were associated with these layers but the layers were largely sterile. Two of the pits produced fragments of sheet metal.

Finds from within Barrack Block 1 suggested that the repair and finishing of military equipment was taking place in the building or immediate vicinity.

In the period up to c 60 AD, the post holes along the edge of the street were replaced and extended eastwards (paired postholes with traces of decayed timber) and the industrial occupation deposits were sealed by a make-up layer. There were also postholes groups further to the south which reinforces the idea that a structure spanned the east - west unhealed street, perhaps fronting onto the north - south street (MON272), although there were no definite remains of floors or Boudican destruction in the area.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Monograph: Crummy, Philip. 1992. CAR 6: Excavations at Culver Street, the Gilberd School, and other sites in Colchester 1971-85. 6. p131-p133.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Oct 18 2016 2:59PM

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