Site Event/Activity record ECC3857 - Site F excavation at the former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks, Colchester, 2011


Location Colchester Garrison Alienated Land Area A1 (former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks), Mersea Road, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TM 00143 24394 (59m by 53m)
Map sheet TM02SW
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


April and June 2011


100 m
100 m

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Site F (2,040m²) was designed to explore and better define the enclosure ditch F45 found in T34 and to examine any internal features, and the Roman and post-medieval ditches running broadly east-west to the north of the enclosure. The principal discovery was three enclosures dated to the late Iron Age or early Roman period and interpreted as stock-related features; no convincing buildings were defined. There were no features predating the late Iron Age, but prehistoric activity prior to that date is indicated by the presence of hand-made prehistoric pottery and prehistoric flints in various contexts.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> EXCAV REPORT: Brooks, Howard. 2016. A Late Iron Age dyke, Roman and Anglo-Saxon burials, a Roman coin hoard, and a Civil War fort: Stage 1b archaeological evaluation and Stage 2 excavation at Colchester Garrison Alienated Land Area A1. CAT Report 628, pp.63-74.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Roman ditches, former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks (Site F), Colchester (Element Group)
  • Three late Iron Age to early Roman stock enclosures, former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks (Site F), Colchester (Element)

Record last edited

Mar 7 2017 3:54PM

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