Site Event/Activity record ECC380 - Excavation at 42 Crouch Street, Colchester, 1988


Location 42 Crouch Street, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TL 99106 24946 (14m by 29m)
Map sheet TL92SE



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


August 1988



A short rescue excavation took place in August 1988 in advance of redevelopment for an office block. A total of four trenches were excavated. Two were hand dug down to natural sand in the southern part of the site whilst limited excavation of the medieval and later levels took place at the northern end of the site, either side of a modern cellar. A brief examination of the central area followed machine stripping. Several Roman burials were recovered as were 16 late medieval to early 16th century burials. In addition, a large medieval building was discovered (Colchester Building 181).<1> A watching brief excavation to the east (at 38-42 Crouch Street) in 2007 demonstrated that the medieval building foundations was the west end of of the church of the Crouched Friars. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Serial: Crummy, Philip. 1993. CAR 9:Excavations of Roman and later cemeteries, churches and monastic sites in Colchester, 1971-8. 9. pp.245-256.
  • <2> EXCAV REPORT: Benfield, S. and Brooks, H.. 2007. Crouched Friars: the medieval church structure and its associated cemetery. 38-40 Crouch Street, Colchester: January-April 2007. CAT Report 434.

Related Monuments/Buildings (8)

  • Building at 38-40 Crouch Street, Colchester (Building)
  • Burial ground of Crouched Friars Friary, Crouch Street, Colchester (Monument)
  • Church of the Crouched or Crutched Friars, Crouch Street, Colchester (Monument)
  • Medieval building (CAT Building 181), 42 Crouch Street, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman cremation burial?, 42 Crouch Street, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman Inhumation burial?, 42 Crouch Street, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman road at 38-40 Crouch Street, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman? Inhumation, 42 Crouch Street, Colchester (Element)

Record last edited

Apr 27 2016 8:29AM

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