Site Event/Activity record ECC2906 - Trial trenched evaluation at Essex CC Offices, Park Road, Colchester, 2006


Location Essex CC Offices, Park Road, Colchester CO3 3UR
Grid reference Centred TL 980 247 (206m by 160m)
Map sheet TL92SE
County ESSEX



Essex County Council Field Archaeology Unit


December 2006


100 m
100 m

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Eight evaluation trenches were excavated by ECC FAU in December 2006 across a 2.1 ha area of which 0.95ha was currently accessible.<1> The trenches were designed to provide a representative 4% sample of the land currently available for evaluation and were set-out according to a location plan approved by ECC. Trenches 2, 6, 7 and 8 were 30m long, Trench 3 was 33m, Trench 4 was 34m and Trench 5 was 26m long. All trenches were 1.8m wide. Trench 1 was an additional trench, 7.8m long, in excess of the 4% requirement, deliberately targeted to investigate a raised area visible in the north-east of the site. The topsoil across most of the evaluation area consisted of dark grey, sandy clay silt between 0.3m to 0.6m deep. In most trenches this sealed light to mid greyish brown sandy clay which varied in depth from 0.2m to 0.4m and overlay natural deposits of reddish brown sand and gravel. Two Roman cremation burials were found in the south of the property (both in Trench 7). One burial (2), dated to the later 2nd century, was well-preserved and comprised a large jar covered by an upturned dish. The second burial (10) was probably contemporary and comprised the lower half of a greyware jar that had been truncated in antiquity. Two large east-west aligned ditches (32 and 34 in Trenches 3 and 8) and a smaller north-west/south-east aligned ditch (13 in Trench 8) may also date to the Roman period. The excavated Roman remains probably cover several phases of activity and date from the mid 1st century (ditch 13) through to the later 2nd (burial 2). Of significance is the fact that the two burials are clearly cut through the subsoil whereas Roman ditches 13 and 32 and undated ditches, 21, 25 and 42 appear to be sealed beneath it. Two post-medieval or later ditches correspond with a field boundary depicted on the 1st edition Ordnance Survey map (c.1876). Other linear features and a raised area in the northeast of the property can probably be attributed to landscaping and garden activities associated with the construction of Altnacealgach House in the late 19th century. The house, itself, is a good example of a large upper middle class late Victorian residence, set within its own grounds. No archaeological remains were identified Trenches 5 and 6.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Ennis, Trevor (ECC Field Archaeology Unit). 2007. Essex County Council Offices, Park Road, Colchester, Essex. Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching.

Related Monuments/Buildings (6)

  • Post medieval ditches at Park Road, Lexden (Element Group)
  • Post medieval ditches at Park Road, Lexden (Element Group)
  • Roman ditch at Park Road, Lexden (Element)
  • Two cremation burials at Park Road, Lexden (Element Group)
  • Two Roman ditches at Park Road, Lexden (Element Group)
  • Undated ditch at Park Road, Lexden (Element)

Record last edited

May 18 2016 10:22AM

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