Listed Building: CHURCH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST (420799)

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Grade I
Volume/Map/Item 986, 2, 2
Date assigned 07 April 1965
Date last amended


MOUNT BURES HALL ROAD 1. 5214 Church of St John the Baptist TL 93 SW 2/2 7.4.65 I 2. C12. Norman nave of flint, brick and tile coursed and with Roman brick quoins. One Norman window in centre of north wall and north doorway surround in brick and tile, at least partly Roman. Tile string courses. C14 west window with Roman tile dressings high up in wall over a C14 much restored reticulated ogee window. C18 angle buttresses to north-west and south-west angles. Cl5 south porch in red brick and flushwork. South door with vine reliefs and heraldry (Arms of Sackville) in spandrels. South window late C14 with ogee scrolled hood moulding. Chancel coursed as nave with Roman tiles for quoins. East window late C14, 3 cinquefoil lights in obtusely gabled head with 5 quatrefoils above. Transepts and tower C19 of coursed rubble rebuilt in 1875, 1908 and 1936. South porch roof of one bay with 2 king posts, ashlared of 4 cants and with ridge piece. South door, C15 casements and ogees, double on each side. (RCHM 1). Listing NGR: TL9045932476

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Grid reference TL 9045 3247 (point)
Map sheet TL93SW
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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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