Number of records found: 66
Monument record: MCC2807 Roman burials, Former Garrison Area J1 North (former Royal Artillery Barracks), Colchester Garrison (Monument)A total of 351 Roman burials and burial related features (204 inhumation burials, 69 urned cremation burials, 2 amphora cremation burials, 11 unurned cremation burials, 5 pyre sites, 4 probable busta, 4 pyre sites/busta, 54 burial pits containing pyre debris, and 8 other burial-related features) were defined during archaeological investigations of 'Area J1 North' (former Royal Artillery Barracks, now area of Le Cateau Road) of the Colchester Garrison Alienated Land in 2004-5 in advance of redevelopment by Taylor Wimpey.
Monument record: MCC1356 Lexden Tumulus, Fitzwalter Road, Colchester (Monument)Wealthy late Iron Age burial mound in the gardens of 30 & 36 Fitzwalter Road, Colchester, excavated by Laver & Laver in 1924.
Monument record: MCC7408 Hill Farm - Malting Barn (Monument)Iron Age ditch, comprising the terminals and a 7m length of shallow ditch aligned east-west and found during renovation to the barn.
Monument record: MCC7489 Sheepen -industrial site (Monument)Excavation of part of the Sheepen site in 1970.
Monument record: MCC5164 Late Bronze Age and early Anglo-Saxon occupation features at Frog Hall Farm, Fingringhoe (Monument)A small excavation in 1975-76 by Colchester Archaeological Committee of a possible domestic timber structure within an irregular ring ditch, dated to the Late Bronze Age. These were defined as cropmarks in 1974 and they are within a much larger area of cropmarks. In addition, a small assemblage of early Anglo-Saxon material suggested occupation in the immediate vicinity.
Monument record: MCC1928 Roman Road between London and Colchester (Monument)Roman road between London and Colchester, aligned (approx.) E to W on the west side of the walled town. Note that two possible lines of the road are projected by Hull heading west from the Grammar School. It seems probable that the northern-most alignment is most likely, based on investigations east of Silvanus Close (MCC10057) which defined a section of Roman road. This was confirmed by evaluation in 2003, when the roadside ditch was (re-) investigated (MCC2802).