Monument record MCC7408 - Hill Farm - Malting Barn


Iron Age ditch, comprising the terminals and a 7m length of shallow ditch aligned east-west and found during renovation to the barn.


Grid reference Centred TL 9785 1976 (120m by 284m)
Map sheet TL91NE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Iron Age ditch, comprising the terminals and a 7m length of shallow ditch aligned east-west and found during renovation to the barn. The ditch was approximately 30-50cms deep and c.1m wide with a shallow V-shaped profile. It yielded a large and varied amount of Belgic and Iron Age pottery. The ditch fill was in at least four distinct layers, two of pot rich grey silt alternating with sterile silt clay. A large amount of cremated bone was also recovered perhaps suggesting some funeral purpose. The pottery recovered dates to the middle-late Iron Age and Belgic periods and includes fine wares, an amphora handle, hand and wheel thrown coarse wares and a fragment of Arretine ware. <1> Two segments of mid C1 AD ditch were found during renovation work on Malting Barn. One segment excavated by the owners contained at the bottom two probably contemporary ashy fills that proved to be rich in Belgic pottery, the ashy layers sealed by a thick sterile layer of redeposited natural. Part of a second ditch was badly disturbed and contained much less pottery in its single grey sandy loam fill. 22 fragments of baked clay were found in the ditches including the corner of an Iron Age triangular loom weight and fragments derived from a hearth or oven. The small assemblage of briquetage includes fragments of brine pans, a pedestal base and part of a pinch prop. The presence of structural briquetage suggests that the material may have come from an unknown salt working site nearby since the nearest known red hill, at Peldon, is 6km to the south. The relative abundance of high quality pottery would suggest an occupation of some status, the wealth possibly generated from farming or salt production. <2> Other refs. <3> <4> <5>

Site Assessment = Settlement excavated by the owner - completely destroyed but scale plan recorded. <1> It is possible that one or two further ditch segments lie beneath the existing shed and others may extend to the east and west. <?>

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <1> DESC TEXT: Turner, BG. 1981. SMR.
  • <2> EXCAV REPORT: RT, JEH. 1984. Malting Barn, Hill Farm, TL 97921953.
  • <3> DESC TEXT: Major, H. 1984. Malting Barn Farm - baked clay.
  • <4> DESC TEXT: Turner, K. 1984. Malting Barn, Hill Farm -archive pottery report.
  • <5> CORRESPONDENCE: Burtenshaw, B. unknown. SMR.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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