Number of records found: 68
Monument record: MCC473 Roman features, Balkerne Lane, Colchester (Element Group)Roman features discovered at the Balkerne Lane excavations between 1973-6.
Monument record: MCC659 Roman defensive ditch of the Roman Colonia, Colchester (Monument)Roman defensive ditch, 2nd to 4th century defensive ditch of the Roman Colonia at Colchester.
Monument record: MCC9314 Colchester walled town (Monument)The Roman and later medieval walled town and historic settlement core (although occupation extended beyond the limits of the walled area), 48ha. in area.
Monument record: MCC5174 Colchester Union Workhouse (St Mary's Hospital), Colchester (Monument)Mid 19th century workhouse (erected 1836-7) located to the west of the walled town (NW of Balkerne Gate), Pope's Lane, Colchester. It became St Mary's Hospital in 1938. The hospital was closed in 1993 and later demolished (to be replaced by residential development).
Monument record: MCC417 Roman road running northwest from North Gate, Colchester (Monument)Roman road investigated during excavations at Middleborough (Cattle Market) site in 1979.
Monument record: MCC397 Roman building (CAT Building 71), Middleborough, Colchester (Monument)Large Roman building, with a hypocaust in one room, investigated during excavations at the Middleborough (Cattle Market) site in 1979.
Monument record: MCC9199 Roman road at 38-40 Crouch Street, Colchester (Element)Areas of gravel defined during a watching brief and excavation in advance of redevelopment at 38-42 Crouch Street, Colchester, on the site of the (later) medieval Crouched Friars friary, were interepreted as the remains of a minor Roman road or street, aligned NE to SW across the site and heading towards the Balkerne Gate. The known extent of this metalling suggests a street c.4m in width. It should be noted, however, that areas of thin gravel surfaces were recorded during the excavation of medieval burials on the adjacent site (to the west) at number 42, Crouch Street, Colchester, excavated in 1988 (CAR 9, 248). Finds of early Roman, 1st-early 2nd century pottery, from a narrow gravel filled trench on its south side, indicate that the street was laid out in the early Roman period.
Monument record: MCC1170 Rampart of the Roman town walls, Colchester (Monument)Interior rampart of Roman town walls (MCC859), which appears to have been added in the late 2nd century AD and built in part from waste material and building debris. An upstanding section of the rampart lies to the south of the Balkerne Gate (west of the Mercury Theatre); a trench was excavated through this section in 1967.