Number of records found: 53
Monument record: MCC330 Prehistoric (Late Bronze Age?) pit, the Gilberd School Site, Colchester (Element)Prehistoric (Late Bronze Age?) pit found during excavations at the Gilberd School, 1984-5.
Monument record: MCC4955 Fieldwalking Survey at Abbotstone, Stanway, Phases 2 and 3 (Find Spot)Fieldwalking of land scheduled for gravel extraction recovered Roman tile and brick in sufficient quantity to suggest the presence of one or more buildings in the vicinity.
Monument record: MCC5167 Medieval pottery, Frog Hall Farm, Fingringhoe (Find Spot)15 sherds of medieval pottery, all unstratified, were recovered during a small excavation by Colchester Excavation Committee in 1975-76. See MCC5164 for main record.
Monument record: MCC7286 Bronze Age cemetery, Chitts Hill, West Bergholt (Monument)Middle Bronze Age cemetery of two phases excavated by the Colchester Excavation Committee in advance of gravel quarrying in 1973 (the site used as a gravel pit for the A12). The first consisted of seven small round barrows and the second of a Deverel-Rimbury urnfield of 27 or cremations, mostly in urns. Twenty-five small pits, contemporary with the urnfield, were also found.
Monument record: MCC7413 Fields Farm - Barn Field (Find Spot)Scatter of pottery and flints found by Mr Martin Jeffrey during fieldwalking, including a few fragments of unglazed medieval pot and one undecorated rim.
Monument record: MCC7414 Fields Farm - Barn Field (Find Spot)Scatter of pottery and flints found during fieldwalking includes some fragments of Belgic pottery.
Monument record: MCC7415 Fields Farm - Barn Field (Find Spot)Scatter of pottery and flints found during fieldwalking.
Monument record: MCC747 Prehistoric pit, Culver Street, Colchester (Element)Prehistoric pit recorded during excavations at Culver Street between 1981-2 and 1984-5.
Monument record: MCC748 Prehistoric pit, Culver Street, Colchester (Element)Prehistoric pit recorded during excavations at Culver Street between 1981-2 and 1984-5.
Monument record: MCC9306 Finds Scatter at The Onion Field, Wormingford (Monument)A fieldwalking survey of 2.44ha. produced 178 finds (3,916g), including 36 struck flints dated from the Neolithic and Bronze Age (with one possible Mesolithic flint), concentrated on the northern edge of the field, and 26 pieces of Roman brick/tile, concentrated on the northern edge of the field and along the eastern side.