Number of records found: 3466
(Note: the map is limited to 3000 records)
Monument record: MCC2884 Anglo-Saxon pottery sherd, Alienated Land Area B, Colchester Garrison, Colchester (Find Spot)Single sherd of Anglo-Saxon pottery, recorded in 2002 evaluation (Trench 3).
Monument record: MCC3007 Roman road, Area C1, Garrison Urban Village, Colchester (Monument)Roman road running directly beside the Roman Circus, recorded in 2004.
Monument record: MCC304 79-81 East Hill, Colchester (site of) (Monument)17th century house, now demolished.
Monument record: MCC305 House on Land Lane, Colchester (site of) (Monument)17th century house, now demolished.
Monument record: MCC307 17 & 18 East Street, Colchester (Building)17th century house.
Monument record: MCC3107 Wagon store or repair facility, Flagstaff complex, Colchester Garrison (Building)A wagon store or repair facility thought to date to c.1900. Recorded by Colchester Archaeological Trust in November 2014 (assigned number Building 3), following decommission and before demolition (in advance of redevelopment, CBC planning application 131935) in 2015.
Monument record: MCC3109 Store room, Flagstaff complex, Colchester Garrison (Building)A probable store room thought to date to c.1900 or shortly after. Recorded by Colchester Archaeological Trust in November 2014 (assigned number Building 3a), following decommission and before demolition (in advance of redevelopment, CBC planning application 131935) in 2015.
Monument record: MCC3116 Stable Block B, Royal Artillery Barracks, Colchester Garrison (Building)One of six stable blocks (only two survive) built in c.1875. Two storey, red brick with yellow brick bands and stone lintels, slate roof and brick ridge stacks. Part of the Royal Artillery Barracks (later Le Cateau Barracks), Colchester Garrison.
Monument record: MCC317 House, East Street, Colchester (Building)17th century house.
Monument record: MCC3199 25 West Street, Wivenhoe (Building)Late C18/early C19 house.