Number of records found: 8
Monument record: MCC7286 Bronze Age cemetery, Chitts Hill, West Bergholt (Monument)Middle Bronze Age cemetery of two phases excavated by the Colchester Excavation Committee in advance of gravel quarrying in 1973 (the site used as a gravel pit for the A12). The first consisted of seven small round barrows and the second of a Deverel-Rimbury urnfield of 27 or cremations, mostly in urns. Twenty-five small pits, contemporary with the urnfield, were also found.
Monument record: MCC7524 Lexden Tumulus Iron Age Barrow and associated cemetery area (Monument)Tumulus excavated in 1924 by Laver and which produced a rich Belgic burial with the remains of the metalwork of a funerary vehicle, bronzes, gold and silver objects and a coin with the head of Auguustus mounted as a medallion..
Monument record: MCC7523 Lexden Tumulus Iron Age Barrow and associated cemetery area (Monument)The tumulus is suggested to be Bronze Age in origin.
Monument record: MCC8879 Bronze Age barrow cemetery and undated cropmarks, Bonds Green Farm, East Mersea (Monument)Undated cropmarks recorded by aerial photography, including ring ditches and field boundaries, to the west of Bonds Green Farm and north of Fen Farm.
Monument record: MCC6924 East of Pound Farm (Monument)The digging of a small gravel pit in 1914 recovered one complete collared urn and several sherds.
Monument record: MCC3043 Barrow cemetery, East of Moler Works, Colchester (Monument)Group of five round barrows, A to E, within the floodplain (and on the east side) of the River Colne and at the confluence with Salary Brook.
Monument record: MCC1356 Lexden Tumulus, Fitzwalter Road, Colchester (Monument)Wealthy late Iron Age burial mound in the gardens of 30 & 36 Fitzwalter Road, Colchester, excavated by Laver & Laver in 1924.
Monument record: MCC9066 Cropmark complex, Pound Farm, Dedham (Monument)Group of 11 ring ditches within a subrectangular enclosure, part of a second ?enclosure lies to the NE containing a large double-ditched ring ditch with a dark central area.