Site Event/Activity record ECC3968 - Archaeological investigations at 2-3 Priory Street, Colchester, 2017


Location 2-3 Priory Street, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TM 0000 2500 (16m by 20m)
Map sheet TM02NW
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


March 2017



Remedial archaeological investigations were undertaken at 2-3 Priory Street, Colchester, in March 2017 following the excavation of foundations for a new extension (CBC planning application 140569). All of the foundations for the internal alterations and new extensions, measuring c.0.6m wide x 2.5m deep, had been excavated and filled with concrete prior to archaeological investigation. The spoil from these foundations had been dumped in the yard to raise ground level and joists had started to be laid over them to form the base of the new ground floor rooms. All of the dumped spoil from the foundations was re-excavated by hand and sifted for human remains and other archaeological finds. Ages varied considerably with babies and young children, a teenager, adults and the elderly. The remains showed evidence of degenerative wear (predominantly on vertebrae), arthritis, dental attrition, and cranial thickening in one fragment of skull, likely as a consequence of Paget’s Disease or possibly due to iron deficiency anaemia. Animal bone and a piece of worked bone were also recovered (a single piece of worked sheep/goat metatarsal, trimmed to form a squared shaft and was polished from working).<1> The work followed evaluation in 2014 (ECC2882) and was followed by further archaeological investigations in 2018 (ECC4149).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> EXCAV REPORT: Pooley, Laura and Hicks, Elliott. 2017. Archaeological recovery excavation at 2-3 Priory Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2PY. CAT Report 1138.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Inhumation cemetery to the north of St Botolph's Priory Church, Colchester (Monument)
  • St Botolph's Priory, Colchester (Monument)

Record last edited

Apr 20 2020 3:02PM

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