Source/Archive record SEX62002 - Fieldwork Summaries 1999

Title Fieldwork Summaries 1999
Date/Year 1999


Excavation for a new building revealed earliest occupation on site dated to 12th- 13th Century extending to the 14th- 15th Century with a cluster of pits some possibly for clay quarrying. From the late medieval period the site appears to have been occupied by buildings due to limited foundations.
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Colchester Museum EHER

Referenced Monuments (4)

  • Colchester, 64-76 Hythe Hill. (Find Spot)
  • Colchester, 64-76 Hythe Hill. (Find Spot)
  • Colchester, 64-76 Hythe Hill. (Monument)
  • Colchester, 64-76 Hythe Hill. (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Nov 5 2015 12:29PM

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