Source/Archive record SCC73191 - DRAFT An archaeological excavation and watching brief at Fenwick Colchester (formerly Williams & Griffin), 147-151 High Street, Colchester, Essex
Title | DRAFT An archaeological excavation and watching brief at Fenwick Colchester (formerly Williams & Griffin), 147-151 High Street, Colchester, Essex |
Author/Originator | Wightman, Adam and Crummy, Philip |
Date/Year | 2017 |
Colchester Archaeological Trust | 1150 |
This is a DRAFT report only; final report expected in 2021.
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with contributions by Stephen Benfield, Nina Crummy, Julie Curl, Val Fryer, Lisa Gray, Martin Henig, Emma Hogarth, Richard Madgwick, Bruce CAT Report 1150, August 2017 Planning reference: 121902 CAT project ref.: 13/11c NGR: TL 99506 25243 (centre) Colchester & Ipswich Museum accession code: COLEM 2014.27 OASIS ID: colchest3-296221
Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd CBC
Referenced Monuments (21)
- MCC10176 Boudiccan destruction horizon, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10191 Early post-medieval features, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10183 Early Roman building, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10184 Early Roman building, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10182 Early Roman pits, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10187 Group of stake-holes, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10189 Later Medieval features, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10192 Later post-medieval features, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10186 Medieval building, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10190 Medieval lime kiln, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC10188 Medieval pits, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10180 Possible Roman roadside ditch, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC10181 Post-holes cutting Roman Street, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10185 Roman building, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC10178 Roman building, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC10175 Roman drain, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC2363 Roman street, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC10179 Roman water pipe, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element)
- MCC10177 The Fenwick Hoard, 147-151 High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
- MCC760 Via principalis of the Legionary Fortress, Colchester (Monument)
- MCC5014 Wallis and Coleman Iron Foundry, 147-155 High Street, Colchester (Industrial)
Referenced Events (3)
- ECC2990 An archaeological desk-based assessment of Williams & Griffin, 147-155 High Street, Colchester 2011 (Ref: ECC2990)
- ECC4088 Archaeological excavation at Fenwick Colchester (formerly Williams & Griffin), 147-151 High Street, Colchester, 2014 (Ref: ECC4088)
- ECC4141 Archaeological monitoring and recording at Fenwicks, High Street, Colchester, 2017 (Ref: ECC4141)
Record last edited
Jun 24 2020 7:20AM