Source/Archive record SCC399 - Demolition of No's 85 & 86 High Street
Title | Demolition of No's 85 & 86 High Street |
Author/Originator | Gall, T. C. |
Date/Year |
Collection of photographs showing the demolition of Frere House.
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A number of the photographs are accredited to Mr Gall, a note also records that these are part of the Laver Papers, 1941. The prints are held in the Social History Photo Archive under 'High Street: Demolition of Frere House'.
Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service Museum Resource Centre, Records Room
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MCC161 Frere House, 85 & 86 High Street, Colchester (site of) (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ECC2069 Photographs of demolition of Frere House, Colchester, 1935 (Ref: ECC2069)
Record last edited
Dec 7 1999 12:00AM