Source/Archive record SCC177 - Colchester SMR file: 'Logarth, 1963/4'

Title Colchester SMR file: 'Logarth, 1963/4'
Date/Year 1964


Notes on the excavation undertaken in Logarth Garden ahead of redevelopment for an NCP car park.
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Unpublished, typed manuscript held in Colchester SMR file: 'Logarth 1963/4'


Colchester Borough Council, Museums Service MRC, Library and record room

Referenced Monuments (8)

  • Anglo-Saxon industrial activity, NCP Car Park site, Nunn's Road, Colchester (Element)
  • Anglo-Saxon pottery, NCP Car Park site, Nunn's Road, Colchester (Find Spot)
  • Element Group, Logarth Excavation (Element Group)
  • Roman building within Insula 2, Nunn's Road, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman drain, Logarth House, Nunn's Road, Colchester (Element)
  • Roman street and drain between Insula 2 and 3, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman street between Insula 10 and 11, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman street between Insula 2 and 10, NCP Car Park site, Nunn's Road, Colchester (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Excavation, 'Logarth' garden by B.P. Blake, Colchester, 1963/4 (Ref: ECC951)

Record last edited

Jul 6 1999 12:00AM

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