Building record MCC9309 - The Mount Bures Workhouse, Mount Green


Records indicate a Workhouse in 1797 owned by a Sarah Stedman. The property known as 'Akermans' was a double tenement property for two centuries before it was converted into one as the 'Poor House'. Prior to 1797 the property was known as 'Sollyers'. It was renamed 'Akermans' when it was the 'Poor House'. In 1803 owner Sarah Stedman surrendered the property to Charles Newman, the main trustee for the 'Poor House'. In 1841, with the introduction of the 1834 Poor Act, it was closed and sold by the Guardians at the Sudbury Union to Mrs Mary Newman. The residents would have been transferred to Lexden, Colchester. Since then, it has been known as 'The Town House' then 'The Retreat' and back to 'Solliers'.


Grid reference TL 9050 3167 (point)
Map sheet TL93SW
County ESSEX


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Records indicate a Workhouse in 1797 owned by a Sarah Stedman (although the building is plotted on Chapman & Andre's 1777 map, fronting Mount Green. (In 1723 a Parliamentary Act introduced the 'workhouse test' whereby a pauper would only b egranted poor relief through being admitted to a workhouse. Consequently, several hundred parish workhouses were set up, generally very small establishments, often in rented exisiting buildings.)
The property known as 'Akermans' was a double tenement property for two centuries before it was converted into one as the 'Poor House'. Prior to 1797 the property was known as 'Sollyers'. It was renamed 'Akermans' when it was the 'Poor House'. In 1803 owner Sarah Stedman surrendered the property to Charles Newman, the main trustee for the 'Poor House'. In 1841, with the introduction of the Poor Act in 1834, it was closed and sold by the Guardians at the Sudbury Union to Mrs Mary Newman. The residents would have been transferred to the larger, purpose-built establishment in Lexden, Colchester (the Lexden and Winstree workhouse was built in 1836)(MCC4544). Since then, it has been known as 'The Town House' then 'The Retreat' and back to 'Solliers'.

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Record last edited

Jun 1 2016 2:37PM

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