Monument record MCC8980 - St Mary the Virgin Church, Wivenhoe


Walls of mixed rubble with stone, Roman brick in tower and aisle.


Grid reference Centred TM 0389 2152 (34m by 22m)
Map sheet TM02SW
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Walls of mixed rubble with stone, Roman brick in tower and aisle. Dressings of Reigate and limestone. Slate roof. The chancel and aisle arches incorporate C13 work but it is not in situ. The arcades and aisles were added 1340-1350, the tower c.1500. It was restored and enlarged in 1859 and damaged in the 1884 earthquake. There was a N., but no S., chapel before the restoration. Features and fittings include: 14th century window and doorway details in north aisle; windows in tower of c.1500; brasses of 1507, 1535, and 1537; indents, including 14th and 15th century examples and one of c.1500; 16th century chest in vestry; font with 15th century bowl.<1><2><3> Graded DIIIb by Rodwell.<4> West tower has flushwork chequers on plinth.<5>

The tower is of c.1500, with diagonal buttresses and a moulded plinth of flint chequerwork; surmounted by early C18 wooden cupola. The rest of the church almost entirely rebuilt by E.C. Hakewill, 1859-60. The two western bays of the arcades are mid C14, as is most of the wall of the N. aisle and the W. walls of both N. and S. aisles; chancel and N. chancel aisle rebuilt, and new S. chancel aisle added. Fine brasses, just below the sanctuary step, to William, Viscount Beaumont, d.1507, his second wife, Elizabeth Scroope, d. 1537. In the sanctuary, crude brass to Elizabeth's chaplain, Thomas Westeley, d. 1535.<3>

Site Assessment (Rodwell & Rodwell 1977) = Dull and uninteresting after 19th century rebuilding. Graveyard has been devastated and largely cleared with headstones leaned carelessly against boundary walls though a few monuments are in situ. Archaeological potential unknown, could be high.<4>

Five digital photographs of Church of St Mary the Virgin, Wivenhoe, taken August 2016.<6>

Sources/Archives (7)

  • --- AP: Tyler, Sue. 1997. CP/97/29/25.
  • <1> DESC TEXT: RCHME. 1922. An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex - Volume 3. Vol 3 p.232.
  • <2> DESC TEXT: unknown. 1960 0nwards. SMR form unknown.
  • <3> Monograph: Bettley, James and Pevsner, Nikolaus. 2007. The buildings of England: Essex. pp.851-852.
  • <4> Monograph: Rodwell, Warwick J with Rodwell, KA. 1977. Historic Churches: a wasting asset. p.124.
  • <5> DESC TEXT: Department of the Environment. 1982. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest: Colchester Rural. p.364.
  • <6> Photograph: Tipper, J.. 2016. Photographs of Church of St Mary the Virgin, Wivenhoe. Digital.

Finds (8)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Sep 16 2016 12:11PM

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