Monument record MCC858 - Roman street between Insulas 6 & 14, Colchester


Roman Street running east-west between Insulas 6 & 14, fronted on the north side by three Roman houses (I, II and III) excavated in 1906 and 1920.


Grid reference Centred TL 9987 2544 (41m by 3m) (3 map features)
Map sheet TL92NE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Parts of a Roman east-west street with a low retaining wall to the north were excavated in Castle park in 1920. The wall ran in a straight line for at least 325ft, it consisted of from three to four courses of rough septaria blocks on footings of rammed sand and gravel, all grouted with yellowish white mortar; on the septaria was a capping of one or sometimes two, roo tiles with the flanges uppermost and filled with mortar (the wall may have supported wooden paling). Two sections were cut across the street south of the retaining wall. The first section, close to the gateway south of House I, gave a width of 23ft 7", whilst the second, 100ft further west, showed 24ft 6" of road metal. The second section was cut down to the natural loamy sand, which lay at a depth of 5ft 3" from the uppermost surface of the road, and indicated two main periods with many incidental repairs. The first road was built up to a height of 3ft 2" from the original undisturbed surface. The stratum immediately above the clay consisted of burnt material, principally wood, to an average depth of 3". Above it was a stratum, rather more than 2ft deep of sand and gravel tightly rammed, and on this were from three to four inches of clay mixed with white mortar, oyster-shells and much wood ash. No firm dating evidence was recovered.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Serial: The Essex Society for Archaeology and History. 1923. Vol. 16 (New Series) Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society. XVI (New Series). pp.15-19.

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Record last edited

Nov 30 2016 12:45PM

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